Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Well, I am a fan ofThey have the best kids....
Welcome to the board, jkappel! Although my experience was many moons ago, I came down on a vacation to scout out the possibility of moving here. I dec...
Also: windstorm, earthquake, flood insurance. Pest control. Generator.
During the summer months I do offer special rates at the Crystal Palace. Been fostering lost relocating souls for many years. ...
Well, that makes some sense. You learn something new every day.
Each condo association has different rules and regs for assessments. If you are thinking of buying, investigate. Just as an aside, you are buying a sh...
If you are American and worked for a school system, I'm pretty sure you paid into Social Security. You may have an additional retirement through your ...
I believe the rates are different for under 25.
westonkaley: Once you get to your digs, how are you going to get around St Croix?
Wait a second! You're back?!
As I understand it, brewing beer requires massive amounts of fresh water. Not that we have that in the VI. 😉
Secret Harbour Villasthe units on the hill, have studios,1, and 2 bedroom units.
Pdmargie: You will get a kick here in the VI...Your patients will call you "Doctor" and the women/female/girl nurses, "Nurse", or "Nursie".
When you say "public retirement system", do you mean Social Security?
My lord, this board can devolve in a nanosecond. Pdmargie, why would we get together when yelling at each other on the internet is so much fun? A...
I know one guy who came here on vacation with one suitcase and stayed for 25 years. I also know one lady who came here on a Friday (with a job lined u...
Alana: I posted this so that people could understand that the hospital on St Thomas is doing very well.
Now SRMC has also passed a surprise, intensive CMS inspection. (tu)
Yes, landline 'phone is on as long as you have backup power. Why would your internet be separate? Mine comes through the EVO box. OT: We have s...
I don't use my landline much,but since it is now bundled in with the EVO box for cable, I don't know if we would have phone. Used to be you could just...
We have auto generator, but if power at Innovative is out, cable is out.
A few others include: Marilyn Nutter and Reva Richardson of Caricare (Paragon Building) Siri Akal at Red Hook Family Practice Elizabeth Flower ...