East Ender
Illustrious Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Topics: 215 / Replies: 5189
Re: Insurance Rates - Car and Home

Okay, I can't really help you. 🙂 Car insurance rates are lower than stateside. But then I think coverage is less also. When you ask about homeowner...

10 years ago
Re: Insurance Rates - Car and Home

$300,000 for a house on St John will probably be difficult in 2024. 😉 That might be the biggest surprise.

10 years ago
Re: Sales tax

Wow! Deja vu all over again: "There is no sales tax. However, there is a gross receipts tax that is paid by the seller at each level (wholesale,m...

10 years ago
Re: Some guidance about starting a new life in the USVI. Thank you!

What is the interest rate and the sales tax rate tax in STX? There is no sales tax. However, there is a gross receipts tax that is paid by the se...

10 years ago
Re: Moving there next summer help! Advice!

Exchelle: You will probably want to know where you are working before you pick where you want to live. Neighborhoods are different here. You will want...

10 years ago
Re: Just booked my pre-move visit to STT

Sarah: Welcome to the board! You sound like you are very organized in your approach. Have you been to St Thomas before? I would suggest that you leave...

10 years ago
Re: What did you wish you brought with you (or brought more of) when you moved to your island?

Ramen noodles are a staple here. I was behind a guy at K-Mart who was purchasing a case of them, macaroni and cheese and good ole white bread. No glut...

10 years ago
Re: visiting this weekend - what to expect at STT?

Sausage: You don't go thru customs on arrival in STT, just on departure You'll go thru customs when departing US for STT hence the need to b...

10 years ago
Re: visiting this weekend - what to expect at STT?

Come on, you guys! Can't you see from the context that she made a little oopsie syntax mix-up? "You don't go thru customs on arrival in STT, just...

10 years ago
10 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1400
Re: Why did you choose your island?

Alana: You remember correctly. It was Marilyn that ended Grand Union and Woolworth's at Lockhart Gardens.

10 years ago
Re: visiting this weekend - what to expect at STT?

jane: You go through Customs and Immigration as you LEAVE the VI, also agricultural inspection.

10 years ago
Re: Single Life

...I guess older folks have rotary, and similar organizations to socialize at). Young folks have very little outside of drinking events to meet people...

10 years ago
Re: Dental Hygiene Jobs

I have to make my appointments with my hygienist 6 months in advance. If I have to cancel, it is difficult to re-book. I always make it a priority! 😉

10 years ago
Re: Best way to ship personal effects of an incoming UVI student???

monogram:The UVI Marine Science program attracts some top notch stateside students. It has a very good reputation...

10 years ago
10 years ago
Re: Your Typical Moving Thread

From St Thomas, the BVI and St John are easy peasy by ferry. Puerto Rico is easy by air. You can fly LIAT to a lot of places, but not direct. Everythi...

10 years ago
Re: Why did you choose your island?

I knew St. Thomas from a crewed sailing trip. I knew I could island hop. I also thought I would be able to find work easily. Both were kind of true. ...

10 years ago
Re: Gun Law in the USVI

Island Hops: Yes, we are an island with porous borders. It is even easier for the bad guys to transfer the various goods of their trade:cash,drugs,gun...

10 years ago
Re: Proving physical address

They make it difficult to RENEW a driver's license here and yet illegals can get them in California. I guess as long as they prove they watch cable TV...

10 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 4564
Re: Safe areas, areas to avoid, adjustment??

EWilliams: Welcome to the board! I agree that you should live where your job is. If you decide at a later date that you want to commute, you will...

10 years ago
Re: Gymnastics

You might check with VIMSPGIA (aka Montessori School!and Antilles. They both have pretty vibrant after school programs.

10 years ago
Re: Just moved here, looking for advice

The summer program at VIMSPGIA Is open to non-VIMSPGIA students, I believe. There is a home schooling group, but I don't have the information. May...

10 years ago
Re: Any boat captains?

Yes, there are plenty of go-fast boats around. The carnival boat races, the various poker runs...you would have fun.

10 years ago
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