Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Okay, I can't really help you. 🙂 Car insurance rates are lower than stateside. But then I think coverage is less also. When you ask about homeowner...
$300,000 for a house on St John will probably be difficult in 2024. 😉 That might be the biggest surprise.
Wow! Deja vu all over again: "There is no sales tax. However, there is a gross receipts tax that is paid by the seller at each level (wholesale,m...
What is the interest rate and the sales tax rate tax in STX? There is no sales tax. However, there is a gross receipts tax that is paid by the se...
Exchelle: You will probably want to know where you are working before you pick where you want to live. Neighborhoods are different here. You will want...
Sarah: Welcome to the board! You sound like you are very organized in your approach. Have you been to St Thomas before? I would suggest that you leave...
Ramen noodles are a staple here. I was behind a guy at K-Mart who was purchasing a case of them, macaroni and cheese and good ole white bread. No glut...
Sausage: You don't go thru customs on arrival in STT, just on departure You'll go thru customs when departing US for STT hence the need to b...
Come on, you guys! Can't you see from the context that she made a little oopsie syntax mix-up? "You don't go thru customs on arrival in STT, just...
Alana: You remember correctly. It was Marilyn that ended Grand Union and Woolworth's at Lockhart Gardens.
jane: You go through Customs and Immigration as you LEAVE the VI, also agricultural inspection.
...I guess older folks have rotary, and similar organizations to socialize at). Young folks have very little outside of drinking events to meet people...
I have to make my appointments with my hygienist 6 months in advance. If I have to cancel, it is difficult to re-book. I always make it a priority! 😉
monogram:The UVI Marine Science program attracts some top notch stateside students. It has a very good reputation...
From St Thomas, the BVI and St John are easy peasy by ferry. Puerto Rico is easy by air. You can fly LIAT to a lot of places, but not direct. Everythi...
I knew St. Thomas from a crewed sailing trip. I knew I could island hop. I also thought I would be able to find work easily. Both were kind of true. ...
Island Hops: Yes, we are an island with porous borders. It is even easier for the bad guys to transfer the various goods of their trade:cash,drugs,gun...
They make it difficult to RENEW a driver's license here and yet illegals can get them in California. I guess as long as they prove they watch cable TV...
EWilliams: Welcome to the board! I agree that you should live where your job is. If you decide at a later date that you want to commute, you will...
You might check with VIMSPGIA (aka Montessori School!and Antilles. They both have pretty vibrant after school programs.
The summer program at VIMSPGIA Is open to non-VIMSPGIA students, I believe. There is a home schooling group, but I don't have the information. May...
Yes, there are plenty of go-fast boats around. The carnival boat races, the various poker would have fun.