Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
But EVERYone coming to the Islands want service jobs.mike Mike: That is not strictly true. There are a number of professionals who come here- doc...
i remember the gas lines and the odd/even -way before carter took office Memory is a strange thing. The odd-even deal was in Carter's time. N...
Many years ago (70's??) when there were gas shortages and here in AZ there was rationing, You could only get gas every other day ( if your license pl...
And you're still paying 10¢ more per gallon than on STT. Yes, but think of all those years they had cheap gas and we were paying the big bucks!:P
Islander: After 5 years of being "locked out", I suddenly was able to log in! Thanks!
They evidently evacuated the ship and have not let anyone back aboard. Some pictures on Facebook including Ronnie setting up tents.
If you look at the homicide statistics for 2015it would appear on the face of it that the majority is gang related with domestic violence coming in a ...
How about some public shaming Island style. I think it would be a pretty grand idea to start posting on all travel sites the horror that continues to ...
Is (was) there more than one Jermaine Williams?
Yes, there are no private carriers. It is a government insurance policy that business owners purchase.
Sausage: I didn't read those as conflicting. The "exclusive fund" is the insurance policy purchased by employers.
Alana: I think it is because you have the pay version, possibly not allowed to share it with the hoi polloi?
What is the beer drinking pig? See Dick Solberg, the Sun Mountain Fiddler, and his song "Buster, the Beer Drinking Pig" for more context...;)
The only driving problem you will encounter is the lack of road marking. No center line, no edge markings, no lane markings at intersections. No...
Definitely make the rounds at the various boatyards. I know there is a resident woodworking master at Independent Boat Yard. There used to be one at C...
"The forecasters are almost to the point of the "boy who cried wolf" for me after last year's Gonzalvo and this year's David and Erika. These guys are...
OT: You can disagree all you want, but meteorology has advanced a great deal in the past few years. There are multiple buoys, satellites, dropsondes a...
Mike: That is the worst answer ever. I am sorry. I moved here in August. I had no idea it was hurricane season. I lived to tell the tale... to gr...
" Air medical insurance is affordably available, which in case of emergency,will fly you to your doctor/ health facility of choice." I wish they...
If you want to get a feel for prices, look at The Island Trader:You may also want to be reading the Virgin Islands Daily News and The Source on line f...
kasey: You might want to consider coming down for the winter and working in the industry to find out for yourself the ups and downs of owning a busine...
A: There is a terrific app called Hurricane that has all the information at your fingertips.
Oh Lord, send help....
shangirl- I do believe you are right- there is a negative streak on this board. Some people are not happy with their lives here, but some really want ...