East Ender
Illustrious Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Topics: 215 / Replies: 5189
Re: Looking to relocate to St John

If you can easily work in St Maarten, may I assume you are not a US citizen?

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

"Look, I know things are different there, than here. Just as they are different here from wherever all you come from. Life is about change and learnin...

9 years ago
Re: Is The Buccaneer trying to keep locals off their beach?

To whom do the chairs belong? If they belong to the hotel, then you do not have any sort of "right" to use the chairs. Is the restaurant owned by the ...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

I see a couple of posts about Florida. I live in Florida now and based on a few things I have read I started thinking... How is living in the USVI so ...

9 years ago
Re: STX with family for a month!

Reasonable on St. Croix is going to be different from reasonable on St. John. And beach side living will be easier on St. Croix as well.

9 years ago
Re: Chickens Everywhere - St Thomas

Liquid Fluoride: Then you can pack 'em in a box and ship them to... oh, I don't know...the north pole? :@)

9 years ago
Re: St. Croix Hurricane Hugo video.

It would be interesting to see video from some of the same vantage points now.

9 years ago
Re: Amazon Prime Share Videos

You can get 30 days free, then only $100 a year for all the goodies: movies, music, and, well, I got free shipping on books.

9 years ago
Re: 2016 new resident!

Mel30: It would be great if you could post here so all can learn! Maybe a new topic on how life is a couple of months in... We get so many who want to...

9 years ago
Re: Chickens Everywhere - St Thomas

Don't get me started on chickens!! It is going to take some huge avian to human disease to get anyone (like the Health Dept) to do something about the...

9 years ago
Re: Wanting to move to US VI

I think Neesey was testing out the idea and decided against it. This happens to quite a few posters here...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

islandnewbie: Your experience is probably more than typical. So many people think that living here will be just like in the states but with better wea...

9 years ago
Replies: 18
Views: 1934
Re: Tap and Still Havensight Now Open - STT

I think they were definitely overwhelmed by the turn out. I'll give 'em another chance. Besides I donated a bunch of pennies for the bar. Couldn't get...

9 years ago
Re: New Eaterie STT - Links Near Wendy's Across from Pueblo at Giant Gas

I'm not crazy about sausages, so I probably won't. But I don't hold them responsible, it's the landlord.

9 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1311
Re: New Eaterie STT - Links Near Wendy's Across from Pueblo at Giant Gas

It would be nice if there was some landscaping on that corner. It is just an eyesore.

9 years ago
Re: Where to move in USVI

Island Adventure: Have you visited the USVI? Each island has a little different personality, just like all the various personalities on this board. ;)...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

Rambo: This thread is/was about why people leave... some leave because they THINK they are coming to a place that is laid back, and they find the op...

9 years ago
Re: Peds and NICU Travel RNs

For St Thomas, you can check with SRMC: They try not to use traveling nurses because of the expense, but if they have openings, they will work with y...

9 years ago
Replies: 25
Views: 3803
Re: Moving to STT tips?

"Also make sure you always have a O-Sh1t fund which includes 1k for emergencys and / or a one way open ended plane ticket home." I listened to a pod...

9 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Thomas - Best Neighborhoods

citygal: The way neighborhoods are laid out, it is much more street by street. In my neighborhood, which I think is a "good" neighborhood, there are u...

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 830
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