Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Welcome to the board! The hotels are kinda spread out across the island. Restaurants are concentrated around town and Red Hook. September will be a go...
Good Friday will be a difficult time to job search. Many businesses and all government offices will be closed. And Easter Monday continues the governm...
As an aside: What is IKEA made of? Am I the only person who has never been in an IKEA store or had a Crispy Cream doughnut?:S
And the popcorn...
There is a Facebook page called "What's Going on St. Thomas" that seems to have lots of members who take pictures and report every little thing they ...
The Source and the VI Consortium are both free online newspapers. I would not call the VI Consortium a newspaper. It is more like a personal blo...
Re: radiology...ContactThey have a lock on most of the radiology equipment and services in the VI (and possibly Tortola). If you are tired of cap...
khlewis: Welcome to the board! I hope your husband will check out the website for Schneider Regional:. I can't help you with travel companies, but the...
Well, it is a long way to Tipperary.... 😉
St John has a clinic, not really an ER. There are a couple of outpatient surgeries in physician offices. Dr. Bacot for one (orthopedic), but I think i...
Well, you might have to consider St Thomas.;) Sonny, the owner of Xtreme Gym, is a body builder and has a good variety of weights.
Daval: We would welcome you! For St Thomas and St John, I hope you will look at the SRMC website:. I actually had to look up PACU; we don't have the c...
Beachcomber: It is easy peasy to join FB and you can clog up your newsfeed with every event, every lost dog, every car accident, and every grouchy com...
What's Going on St Thomas.
As an aside, I don't have any faith in the census numbers. It seems to me that this place is WAY more populated than when I moved here 20 years ago.
Butch: I'm pretty sure you are going to have to get local car insurance which will go into effect when you arrive. There is no such thing as insurance...
Jumbie: I know. But people always ask "What do the local folks do"?
The U. S. Virgin is not a place to live if having many medical insurance plan options is a priority for you. There are many people who live here...
Have you spoken to whoever recruited you? Would highly recommend finding a short term place until you can arrange for yourself. It is really important...
The pizza at Osteria Frasca is yummy. And the ITP Everything, too, although they are totally different.
dj: You say you have never been to "Croix", so just to let you know, it's St. Croix, or STX, if you wish to shorten the name. And the name of "Thomas"...
I'm sorry. There is no way on God's green earth that Virgin Islanders in government are going to be replaced by "statesiders". That is totally naive! ...
..."something else that doesn't actually make sense for the VIs." Ha, ha, ha! When did anything ever make sense here,fdr?!!;)
Magens out to Peterborg plus a little more= 10K Waterfront from Havensight to Crown Bay & return= 6 miles Waterfront from Havensight to the airpor...