Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Alana: Okay, that was kind of vague. Which rights do women have that are in danger of being, what, denied? So Sunny: There can be no discourse an...
Alana, I seriously would like to know what rights are in danger, in your opinion?
Mike: That was an update from October. While we will always have Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and whatever the next mosquito-borne disease is, the peak ...
I haven't heard how the Women's March went in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Abuja, Nigeria (#bringbackourgirls), and Taliban-held cities in Afghanistan and Pa...
I totally missed the part about finishing at UVI!! *-) Yes, 0 is right. There are lots of places closer to UVI for you!
Quite honestly, there is more "violence" in the area near Bluebeard's Castle than in the area near Red Hook. Neighborhoods are not quite like neighbo...
Welcome to the board! What sort of employment do you seek? Where did you stay when you visited that made you feel safe?
""This time they might move faster because they saw what happened in Puerto Rico," and if there is a "perceived inability to provide basic government ...
"Investors wouldn't pour billions into the company if the technology wasn't commercially viable." One word...Solyndra.
I think you can drive them on private roads, estate roads.
I agree that you should not buy for at least a year. If you are looking at condos, you should consider the Anchorage. Lots of kids,right next to the y...
Sell and privatize the hospitals. And what would happen to all the people (the majority) who do not have insurance or who have inadequate insuran...
There is an endoscopic suite at SRMC, also Dr. Goldman's office (he just brought in a new partner, too).
I have always had great service at Metro on St Thomas. Must be a Crucian t'ing...
All you have to do is register your iguana as an emotional support animal... 😛
To add to this: How many people who rent cars are paying taxes? P.S. No one likes paying taxes, but you hate it more if you are and your neighbor...
Ah! That makes sense.
I'm still trying to figure out "PA"...
Welcome Greg! If you have never been here and are thinking of living here, I would recommend that you spend your time like you do in Buffalo (minus th...
I don't know the property. But I have a question. Are you looking for a short term place to rent while you look for something more permanent? Because,...
IMHO, do not go on a realtor tour. If you are staying in a apartment/condo (and you should), spend your time doing what you would do if you lived here...
Licensing for nurses is through a nursing board within the Health Department. As I said earlier, you need to talk to someone from JFL. I am pretty sur...
dave: You don't think that a lot of the increase in population comes from Haiti and the DR, basically working service jobs?
taken: Have you attempted to speak to someone at JFL? Salaries are negotiated through the nurse's union and there was a big stink a while ago because...
I saw a post on Facebook by violincora about her first 4 months here. Since she mentioned someone helping her with a dog crate, I thought it might be ...