Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
dnt: I hope you all are careful when you raid the fridge! 😀
GTG: The swells from winter storms in the north Atlantic (today's discussion) generally affect the north facing shores. If you are talking about hurri...
From the article in the Daily News today it looks like they withdrew their application. Of course, they did that last fall, so I wouldn't be surprised...
wasame: Are you high maintenance? 😉
And having an exterminator monthly will help too, when you find a place to live...
There was a VITEMA representative on the radio yesterday who used the "near hurricane force winds" line. The storm in the north Atlantic has gale forc...
bnpd: You are the kind of officer we need and hope for. Thank you for your service where you are. I wish we could have many more like you here.
It's a curmudgeon competition, Ronnie! LOL
Hmm, I thought that Charlotte Amalie proper was called "Town." The only CA I have heard of is the Golden State. 😉 😉 😉
You live in California??
Sabrina: I love the deer out here on the east end of St Thomas, too, The devlopment and fences around here seem to be cutting into their habitat. I ha...
Sabrina: As dnt said, my list was an old one. And I stand by it!! 😉 I have talked to older people here on St Thomas about the hunting that went on in...
Katrina at Body Garden in Tillet Gardens. Also recommended for hair and fingers, as well as toes... 😉
It seems like everyone wants to go the Donald Trump route around here (I can sell 10 glasses of OJ for a dollar or 1 glass for $10- It's easier to sel...
"Supposed to" and "required to" both suggest that someone is actually enforcing the rules and regulations. 😉 If you saw the thread on motorcycles, yo...
She will want to do some networking. I believe that there is a social work board and I have seen ads from at least one LCSW in private practice. We ne...
Most of the big hotels do have event planners- Frenchman's Reef, The Ritz, etc. (This is for St Thomas)
Sabrina: Here is what I found for "on the dole": although honestly, I thought it came from an earlier presidential era: that of FDR.
The VI is democrat on the socialist/communist end of the liberal spectrum. I doubt that the people who own the villas in St John are registered vote...
HT: Re: self-insurance. Some associations put money away to pay for any catastrophe. It kind of depends on the construction and weaknesses in a buildi...
Sears? Hey, we have K-Mart/Sears! They have a customer service area with an on-line catalogue. I know that you can order appliances through it, don't ...
Well, it was an interesting evening: There is a business plan: an eco-bar! Maybe you do a couple of shots, then jump overboard and see which creature...
If the Island Trader isn't working for you, have you tried calling Home Again? June and Valerie are always getting new goodies in.
cparker6002: Well, living here is nothing like living in Texas... 😉 although we do have a chili cook-off in September. Most people here live without ...