Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
You definitely need to ask an attorney. Putting everything in a trust (your home, cars, accounts,etc.) really is helpful. You do *not* want to go thro...
If I understand what you are asking, you are going to bring down bands and fans to go with them? Sounds like an interesting idea. One concern is that ...
As I understand it, you have one legal residence. When the EDC thing was big several years ago, people were claiming they were VI residents because th...
I think you need to check the legality of having two licenses.
First, I wonder what happened to sjointer? After such an active, nothing? Second, to Corvettejack01: I have bought new cars and had s...
They do the same thing at the ferry. You have to show a local ID for the $6 fare. I think they are going by your legal residence. If you live in MA fo...
And one of the top recommendations here at the VI Moving Center: Do not buy anything until you have been here a year. You will want to find out what p...
The same contractor that did such a quick and efficient job on Ft. Christian, I believe...
I don't know. We have unlimited text and data with AT&T, so I'm kinda in their corner. 😉
I know that the early entry program is available on St. Thomas. We have a relative who graduated from UVI (STT) in Marine Sciences and went on for a P...
There are many reasons people choose condo living: someone else does maintenance, you can have amenities you might not be able to afford on your own, ...
I don't know of anyone on St Thomas. When you come for your PMV (you are coming for a PMV, aren't you?) you should network with the local musicians. I...
I have some stateside friends in the insurance biz who telecommuted for several months last winter. They didn't report any difficulty. This was on St ...
Medicare is federally funded insurance for "the elderly"- if you have worked the number of quarters they require (40, I believe), it becomes your insu...
Also check outRonnie is doing short term rentals for folks looking to get started here on St Thomas. He's been at it for 20+ years..
I wish you luck. My suggestions to newbies have always been: 1. Don't burn your bridges back home. 2. Rent for at least a year before you buy anyt...
For radiology jobs, check with St Thomas Radiology. I would add (seriously) bookkeepers to Exit Zero's list.
We have Fujitsu. My biggest complaint is that it is so quiet, it doesn't mask that darn rooster at 3:30am. Sales and service by Atlanta Refrig. (tu)
I looked and could not find a "DICKERSON" business school anywhere. Any ideas?? That was my experience as well. It links to a Facebook page and s...
From the legislature's website re: Marvin Blyden: "Senator Marvin Allen Blyden was born on St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands to James and Mayrose B...
"It doesn't sound moral, it doesn't make much sense for tourism or the economy of the USVI, and is it even US legal?" None of those concerns inte...
"The intent of the Bill is to give those that build Villa properties with the sole purpose of using them for business (with no intention of using them...
This thread is 7 years old. And I STILL miss Trade...
One thing that is often recommended here is to come down to live and see for yourself before you jump into ideas you think would work. The mindset in ...