Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Did the house make it through Hugo? If so, I'd say it was a keeper! 😉
Re: "toxic mold"-
simkiss: Then you are going to be "the man not in the know", as many offices here are not internet connected. Some of them barely answer the phone.
Thanks guys. AT&T here said they do not support i-phones. We bought a different smart phone. Smarter than I am, I'm afraid. 🙁
And as Dave Barry says: Wouldn't the Swimming Green Iguanas be a great name for a rock band?
I see a lot of the Coast Guard guys with their stateside cars and trucks. I believe you do not have to go through the local licensing and registration...
TX girl: In case Mr billd wrote to you also... his place(s) near Sapphire Beach are nowhere near the area you need. Crystal Palace and the other place...
Crystal Palace!!
No, Dr Mac is both. He is the ID guy at the hospital. Must be Dr Goldman, the GI guy. Dr Dukes is an OB-GYN. Well, if it was Dr L Goldman, he is in th...
Yes, as beachy said- UPS goes straight to Customs and with the Taiwan tag- BINGO! $$$$ This is why folks here love their US Postal Service.
GTG: Where was the unit made? And how did it arrive? (USPS or not)
I ,too, would want to know the name of the doctor... Did she see Dr Macariola who specializes in infectious diseases? I would also like to know the na...
deja vu all over again! 😉
Jen: They are on St Croix! So check out Seaborne 773-6442 or Seatrans 776-5494. It's CARNIVAL, baby!! 🙂
I apologize roki.
roki: My answer is two fold: first, the power goes out frequently enough that you opted to pay for a 30K generator with a transfer switch.;) Second, t...
Are you a controller? Because I thought they at least lent a helping hand to the new tin pushers... (If you aren't...Sorry!!)
crazy: There is a very old tradition of trying to get people to really look at moving here before they do. It is not because we don't like it, but bec...
noodle: It depends. Some physicians here do not take stateside insurance. I would call the specialists she is likely to need and ask. You will want ai...
That centipede thing must be a St Croix problem, because I have never encountered one... ...when you walk up to doors and yell, "INSIDE!" instead...
St John has a handful of physicians and dentists as well as a clinic. For major problems, you will be evacuated to Schneider Hospital on St Thomas. If...
As an aside, it seems that stateside interests decide to expand here with very little understanding of the local work ethic. For example, I have heard...
Are there any plans to plant new mahogany trees anywhere?
Rather trendy and expensive, but the food is good. Why, are you the chef?