Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
I am a fan offor school. Your wife might want to checkfor jobs, although nurses are in demand in lots of other places as well. Definitely ne...
Brent: If you haven't been here, you need to come and look around for yourself. While property taxes may not be too high, you have to think about wind...
All right! Trade's favorite song is coming! 😛 Also, mine- "Ho, ho, ho! How will Santa get here?"
Fast English?? Are you asking about Creole English? Yes, the inhabitants of most former English islands speak a Creole version of English. I am amazed...
brent: LOL about the animals! It is a very Caribbean ting to tie your animals up (or let 'em loose) on a chunk of land and let them graze. I don't thi...
Viking Corporation.(tu)
You asked a simple question about the law and the enforcement of the law here in the VI. You have since stirred the pot vigorously with links that hav...
sundevil: Methinks thou art a troll. 😛
Ms Information: I included Oregon because the paper did. Also, in another thread, there was didcussion on the haphazard enforcement of laws. This kid ...
I have known people who lived on their boat and never went anywhere and folks who left Friday afternoon after work and sailed around until Monday morn...
"I also think that your chances of getting busted here, especially for a small amount of weed would be lower than most other places" " I seriousl...
And the fancy grill? You should have no trouble renting with all those perks!!
Does it come with the jukebox???:@)
sundevil: There are a lot of laws here with lax or inconsistent enforcement. It does give a great deal of power to the person who can enforce on a wh...
Here is the UVI website:
anjell: You will find lots of fellow conspiracy theorists in the VI. But remember, you give up your right to vote for president here. The caterpillars...
cs: There are people who live on boats full-time. Some work and some don't. Some leave in the summer and some stay year-around. Some live on a mooring...
Richard: You need to come back for a visit!! The plans went under because the funding source (some federal housing program) wouldn't allow for set-asi...
Go into Red Hook and visit with the folks at Neptune's. All the fishing talk you want!
Because we are a territory, not a state, and pretty far geographically from the upper 48, we are often reminded that we are a small speck in the blue...
And there is a Saba off the south shore of St Thomas...
Michael: If you were a surgical tech, you might want to check the Schneider Regional website:for opportunities. Basically the more specific the knowle...
I was amazed to see that it is legal for incumbents to use "taxpayer-funded resources" such as their staff, computers, copiers, cars and free gas in t...