Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Check out the St Thomas Swimming Association. Their pool is on the east end of St Thomas with classes and swim meets, etc. I'm not sure what activitie...
I don't think we are ever going to see the good ole night sky again with the new street lights...
I am going to add that garages are not common, nor are carports, at least on St Thomas. I agree with What's Going on St Thomas, and there are quite a ...
I would like to know about the realtors. We are coming in November maybe sooner if my husband gets the job. We have talked to Seaglass Properties in...
IMHO, leave your stuff in storage for your year of discovery. You can figure out if you want to stay, and if you do stay,where you want to live. Then ...
Sure. But do you have a "What's Going on Panama" so you can hear about every lost dog, every dolphin prison, every overturned truck, every grievance? ...
I know it has been going on for a while. I am amazed that they got the Feds to take on 100% of the cost. Providers are reimbursed a smidgen of their c...
Gator's Mom: Any sign of your modules? Haven't seen any here on St Thomas...
NotCook: What's the deal with stirring up 8-9 year old threads? Things do not work in the VI like people think they should. Not in 2009, 2011 or even ...
Yeah. You can't get blood out of a turnip.LOL It's like forcing the hospitals to pay WAPA. The hospitals don't have any money. The government doe...
EMS is part of the Health Department. Salaries are probably lower than those to which you are accustomed. Also, currently, all new government employe...
I am pretty sure Continuum Care, home hospice, operates on St Croix, but I can't tell you if there is home health since Seaview pulled out of the mark...
Gator's Mom: That is an interesting article. It is undated, but says the modules have been shipped and will be there in 2 weeks. The CEO at SRMC turne...
There is no Medicare Advantage, only several AARP (through UHC) plans. If you go to My Medicare and put in one of the VI zip codes, you can see the on...
rosesisland: I didn't mean to say you didn't get anything from Irma, but as Julie mentioned, things were going great over here between Irma and Maria-...
As a point of information: St Croix had one storm. St John took the brunt of Irma, and St Thomas got a bad hit also. Maria just finished us both off f...
They are putting composite poles on St John as we speak. 😉
Ditto what afriend and stjohnjulie have said. There is a Masters program in psychology at UVI. I was under the impression it was basically an educatio...
I believe the VA is moving toward some sort of voucher system. It used to be that people had to go to PR for most tests and treatments, but are now be...
"St Thomas and St John were nice so I'm sure I won't have any problems with St. Croix." I am going to let others debate this. I have never been t...
I am not starting a rumor. I have heard people say that our hospital on St Thomas has been condemned and is not operational and it's not true. I know ...
I am laughing at the idea of any government office being open on Saturday. They don't even open the library on Saturday.;)
1. If there is something you MUST have to move here, it is a red flag for trouble. Almost everything is iffy in the best of times, even more "iffier" ...