Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
slim: What are you planning on doing on St Croix??
What the heck are you all talking about???? 😛
Hey slim: Welcome to the funhouse. You might want to look under the forum General/Relocating. You will get lots of advice there! And plenty of former ...
I'll bet she is out there listening to her Jose Feliciano record...;) Or learning the words to Lashing Dogs "I Wanna Be Your Santa."
Ronnie: You outed me, didn't you!! Ran into him last night. Where were you??? FL Barrier: Do we all get invited to the party??
aeneas: The marketable characteristic of most "older" people is a work ethic. And that will get you far. If you also have a talent or skill, bingo! On...
Don't you mean he's not all there even when he is here?? 😉
FL Barrier: Maybe you could celebrate your birthday on Carnival Saturday...8-)
St Thomas Radiology has cornered the market on radiology services- 340-774-0265. There is one hospital and one radiology practice.
Oh, DUN? Here is the page from the USDA:
"Hey schmuck" DUN: Are we having a bad day??;)
Sheesh, I thought Hip Crip AND Onika were back! But this thread is two years old.:-(
WOW! Blast from the past!! Trip report required... Glad to hear you are still around. Missed you.. 🙂
Did you call the Pistarckle? I know they did a "Wiz" prtoduction at sometime in the past and might have some info...
If you wanna be merry, drink guavaberry... 😛
To play the Devil's Advocate here a second: 1. 3-4 oz of fish or meat is a standard serving. Americans eat too much. 2. Cruise fares are so low...
I thought it was a National Guard helicopter. :S
kieren and rotorhead: If you are going to live in the Virgin Islands, you really ought to learn something about the local customs. You don't have to l...
There are regular pediatricians, but I don't know of any pediatric specialists. Dr Assefa is also a recommended ophthalmologist.
You all are working too hard! I just invite Poppin' Fresh over and voila! Rolls!! :@) Actually, it is all about the company today, don't you agree? Th...
Oh, I didn't understand that. I thought they failed it because something was wrong with it. Didn't know that what was wrong with it was its invisiblen...
cathy: From what you said yesterday, do you have an idea about what is wrong with the current bumper? Because replacing one with another that will fai...
Pamela: Do you have a defibrillator handy? 😀