Last seen: February 14, 2022 7:19 pm
No, trw I believe that birth rates are low in europe and in the US. I don't believe they are better educated however. Just sheep who believe everythin...
Good luck Christina. Enjoy.
Educated people don't breed as much. Wow. This message board is starting to feel like the twilight zone.
So sorry.
Is this on labor day weekeknd or tomorrow?
I really cannot complain. School starts Monday on STX and everyone was trying to get their school physicals. I never wait until the last moment but we...
JJ had a Dr. appt. at 4:45 today and we just got home. We waited for 2 hours in the waiting room and 1 hour in the exam room. I'm tired. Well at least...
They are afraid that the kids will beat each other up with the seat belts.
Sorry, I misread. I was saying how much insurance would cost each month would be for a house around the 500k range and I was actually a bit low.
I don't have a dog in this race about legalizing MJ but the response was correct. Nylon replaced the hemp rope that was used on big ships. Hemp is one...
It would be around a thousand a month.
I forgot to tell everyone that pregnant daughter is having a boy.:-)
Anger? 😀
Oh no!! We cannot turn the CIA loose on terrorist. They might just water board those poor terrorist. We cannot let this administration follow in the f...
I have a book called "How to stop smoking the easy way" It works. You can have it. Plain and simple. No advice or testimony. Good luck.
This is a law enacted by the US. It comes with "stimulus" money. In order to receive the money you have to enact the law. Then it was passed country w...
Thank you John.
We had a similar situation with our son recently. A doctor put our 5 year old on an adult dosage of medication. It wasn't until he became ill that we ...
Really trw, give my child to a man that I made very angry last year and to another man who is having a great time baiting me both of which are complet...
No Tammy would not allow it.
back at cha boyfriend. Goodnight.
P.S. I WILL find the beach if it exists.:@)
Yes he would should he be so inclined. 😀 I love how quick you are. Great wit.
Fine then. Just don't expect me to respect you when you talk about socialism and I've got mine and screw everyone else stuff you are spouting. Man, yo...
I won't tell anyone.