The Plaza Extra scenario that Bombi describes isn't racism. Crafting a Constitution that prevents certain classes of citizens from fully participating...
Now that's an unfair statement to say that racism is on the islands. What's unfair about the truth? :S
It's appalling to me that the US Congress would give a standing ovation to the leader of a nation that is currently invading our own. Mexico is a grot...
Thanks for the chuckle Tam! 🙂
We're on Atlantic Standard Time all the time.
Thanks for the quick replies. Lisa - I saw that section, but am more concerned about unexpected work travel, which wouldn't qualify as life or de...
I've never lived in AZ, and so am unable to fully appreciate just how dire the situation must be for the majority of state residents to support the va...
"...The measure signed Tuesday prohibits classes that advocate ethnic solidarity, that are designed primarily for students of a particular race or tha...
The question I have is why do I keep reading 2012 is coming for you. What is important about this date? I'm not saying you personally could answer thi...
I still challenge the notion that there's any such thing as a descendant of legal immigrants to the US. Europeans came without asking the Native Ameri...
I'm saying that if undocumented immigration is a crime, then it's at worst akin to shoplifting food to avoid starvation, and that the solution is to a...
Everyone is already required to provide proof of identity when asked by a cop. Cops have the discretion to choose the folks from whom they want to see...
How does one prove they are here legally according to the Arizona law? If I were stopped downtown and asked to prove I was here legally, I couldn't d...
And says that she "wears with pride" the label of racist. Actually it says she is proud to be called a racist when racism is defined as a Latino,...
I am a first generation American. My parents immigrated to the U.S. legally. They had minimal education and did not speak English, but they took menia...
texaswoz - Unlike vi mastiffs I am not a "smack em if they have it coming" sort of parent, so I did not enroll my kid in a local public school. ...
For information on Mahogany Run you might try sending a PM to Jules:
But don't try to tell me the islanders in general are not content with the way things are. If they were truly discontent, they would change. Since the...
I usually go to Western Auto in Tutu.
...We started out as a quasi christian nation... Not true. Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli, ratified by the U.S. Senate in 1797, states: "As...
Presumably you have searched this site and read the various threads addressing pregnancy. For example, if you choose to give birth here you must be pr...
Linda J - Nobody is objecting to the Census questions, which are name, age, birth date, gender, ethnicity, and place of residence. However, the V...
If you don't like the Plaza Extra system shop elsewhere; Cost U Less lets you take the cart to your car.