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Joined: June 14, 2008 3:45 am
Topics: 9 / Replies: 147
Re: To all who just moved to the VI

I am going to start a blog about my move... detailing everything that happens.

17 years ago
Re: WAPA Proposed Increase in Rates

I would say gas prices will offset utility costs for many mainlanders. I know for myself I pay almost $300/mo in fuel and probably $85/mo in utility c...

17 years ago
Re: California girl needing a change!

Hi! I'm 27 too and moving for some of the reasons you are. I have always wanted to go to UVI for marine biology. If you haven't learned already nursin...

17 years ago
Re: No Option for VI as the State in the New Address

Have you asked to speak to a supervisor or team lead? If they aren't willing to help just switch to online payments and pay your bills online.

17 years ago
Re: How much did it cost to ship your car?

Called Honda and they said it's the US so it is of no concern. Called Capital One and they require 40% of your payments to be less than 30 days l...

17 years ago
Re: Moving to the Virgin Islands (STX), UVI

Good to see you ignored the rest of my post truebluefan. If you have nothing else to add, I would appreciate you stop spamming the thread with useless...

17 years ago
Re: How do you contact DirecTV in USVI?!?!*!!

I was wondering why you wanted DirectTV so badly, then I saw NFL network. Now it makes sense. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Dish Network HD. The...

17 years ago
Re: WAPA Proposed Increase in Rates

I wouldn't consider electricity a luxury at all... unless you are used to living like a cave man. Oil is what powers the VI and it is causing utility ...

17 years ago
Re: How much did it cost to ship your car?

Alright, I talked to Crowley today and quoted me at $1200 for my TSX and $2200 for my Nitro. Taxes for both vehicles come out to be about $1300 a piec...

17 years ago
Re: Moving to the Virgin Islands (STX), UVI

david, i don't know where you lived in ky but i can tell everyone who reads this message board you are incorrect when you say there are 7 months of ...

17 years ago
Re: How do you contact DirecTV in USVI?!?!*!!

The only DirecTV available in the USVI is DirecTV Latin America. They use different satellites and different receivers from the ones used in the state...

17 years ago
Re: Is St Thomas safe?

Thanks Juanita... I'll be coming down soon so I'll be able to get a feel for it myself. 😀

17 years ago
Re: WAPA Proposed Increase in Rates

It sounds like residents of the USVI are getting hit harder with oil prices than I am in Tampa currently. $250/mo for electricity on a small apt is in...

17 years ago
Re: Moving to the Virgin Islands (STX), UVI

Thanks for the info lifetime2. We have decided to come to St Thomas as we would be required to move to St Thoma anyway after my GF finished her a...

17 years ago
Re: Is St Thomas safe?

I wasn't really talking about dark alleys - of course that's a dopey idea. But anywhere I've ever lived in the states I was able to walk around my nei...

17 years ago
Re: WAPA Proposed Increase in Rates

Thanks Jim. Who would have thought so far from the mainland these small islands would be such slaves to the oil trade.

17 years ago
17 years ago
Re: How to Live in the U.S. Virgin Islands - my opinion

Thanks! I am truly looking forward to joining your community 😎

17 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 5739
Replies: 5
Views: 1177
Re: WAPA Proposed Increase in Rates

How much could one expect to pay for a 600 sq ft efficiency for electricity? Just a ball-park figure...

17 years ago
Re: We're arriving on Tuesday - TOMORROW

sugarlander, how much did it cost to ship your car?

17 years ago
Re: Moving to the Virgin Islands (STX), UVI

It looks like for a variety of reasons STT is a much better choice for us. We might put our stuff in storage, move our cars down, and live in a c...

17 years ago
Re: Following My Dream...

From what I read it's very difficult to find a place to live in St John and 2/3 of the island is a national park.

17 years ago
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