Sorry this doesn't include USVI:
The initial poster mentioned $2500 a mo. for rent that is closer to the higher end but depending on the furnishings not absurd at all - but as an over...
David -- there was not a lot of opposition to the idea or need for high speed internet!! -- if you watch the local Senate hearings on Community Televi...
David does not live here, he doesn't know. Does David have to live there to see all the classifieds, listings and all the personal accounts of ho...
This is great news! I am really surprised there are people arguing against this. Having slow and unreliable internet speeds are keeping the islands in...
That price seems quite low, especially if you're including two weeks of hotel stay. Our move (shipping alone) cost almost $12,000 for a family of fou...
Wow congratulations on getting it done!! Seriously that's so awesome 😀 What does your husband do?
I just filled up $3.85 regular here in Utah today. :
Hrmmm. Thanks guys. I read about the internet a couple years ago and it seems like not much has changed. Any recent threads about the broadband i...
Thanks guys. I own and run a small web design/programming studio and do all of my work remotely. poorthang, I don't follow... are you saying don'...
Hey guys. Trying to make my way to the VI again to study marine biology @ UVI. 😀
You rock Sean, thanks for all the good info.
Didn't know it existed.
A Wrangler would be fun but the reliability would worry me.
This is where I live: Wonder how much a place like this would cost in STT.
rokipatel - been there, done this. I think some of you should go a lil' easier here, most have gone through this one way or another, just some of ...
Looks like Trade saves the day! 😀
I had no idea there were no HD channels there. Are there any HD over-the-air channels?
So stiphy is the Global Crossing pipe an undersea cable to PR or NA?
TiVO is a subscription-based service and can be used in conjunction with any cable provider provided that Innovative can supply you with a cable card.
EngRMP, I'd actually be interested myself in how the islands get internet access - I've never actually thought about it. I know there are cross contin...
This stuff works and only takes a few sprays to cover your entire body: I use it anytime I go out. It's small, cheap, and highly efficient. D...