Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
I think if I pop over to STX I'll immediately recognize MissJustice from the large sandwich board she wears (with matching tee shirt) depicting a pho...
ABR would have to spend the similar money to bring the plant into compliance? ABR was not planning to restart the FCC unit. That is also public ...
OK, I personally know 2 of the founders and know of a third. They are real people.
It means that they Hovensa and the parent company are still responsible for $750 million in clean up fees which is an industry unto itself without a r...
Is anybody familiar with the company who published this report? /blockquote> Yes. Click the ABOUT US tab on that page. It's all there.
The fired CEO of SeaWorld has scored a whale of a severance plan: worth $2.6 million. CEO Jim Atchison will swim away with a $2.6 million parting...
It's Berry, with an e. I've been using them for 28 years and would not use anyone else.
ABR could have operated a terminal only, and in order to operate a terminal they were obligated to remove the refining units. That would have been goo...
The legislature approved a budget based on anticipated Hovensa revenues that they are not going to receive. I wonder how Mapp is going to make payroll...
Fast Eddie
Being able to hear is important to me. It doesn't sound like I'll be going there.
cities in california can and have declared bankruptcy. it is not like hovensa will collect anything Maybe not. But the GVI definitely will not. T...
I lost my NY drivers license while on STX. I contacted the NY DMV on line and they sent me a new one. No big deal! Yes, in America things work th...
We can use the millions in overbid money that Dejongh to select for higher bidders. That does not make any sense. The GVI is broke. Where is the ...
Alana, we can definitely learn something... but it definitely hasn't been learned in the past 2 years. No one has come up with any other kind of indus...
You didn't answer my question.
The orifices may be specific to your appliance brand. You'll have to research. The in-stove regulator can be reconfigured, but you'll also need the ...
I went Friday. Totally agree. Place was packed. Great Calamari and the flaming cheese appetizer thing was good too.
There is a whole industry in collecting debt which is as equally important to earning new revenue in this case. Yet we can't collect on past d...
If Hovensa declares bankruptcy, we get access to among other things, the transshipment port. An OIL port. Not a container port. Not a crew shi...
How can she produce proof of residence - WAPA bill, for example, if she does not live here? .
The VI is not competitive on anything. Nothing. If a corporation wants to relocate here, they have the jobs and we have nothing to offer without major...
With whomever. And the VI already lost when we let Hovensa get away with the fourth extension that deJongh signed. We would have lost worse had w...
There will be a new sheriff in town in 25 hours. Mapp, Hendersen, and Coffelt will negotiate deals in the best interest of the VI. Negotiate what...
The VI will lose, and Hovensa will become a rusted blight on the landscape. BUT, that is what all of you wanted, and you will get it. The VI...