Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
gonetropo, Thanks for that. I am not certain, as we plan/research as to whether we move down to the USVI, how to take your post. I am not certain...
It appears that the new price on STX is now $3.45 for regular.
@CruzenIron: What speeds do you get for $50? Are the services reliable and what provider do you use? Others? Thanks. 2 Mb/s with BBVI. Very ...
What surprised me is that government vehicles were driving around with private plates in order to hide the abuses of the use of government vehicles.
The answer is simple, Speedy - the employers can raise their prices to cover the wage increases 😎 I'm sure that the people would not mind payin...
Plus, when contract and the lease is all done, it will be made available to the public and it would not reflect that mistake printed in the Avis, so I...
In 2012, 47.1 percent of children in grades 3 through 8 scored proficient or higher on the territorial assessment learning exam, VITAL-S. For 11th gra...
The article is dated 2012 citing a 2 year fraud investigation. Is it still a big problem? Won't know unless feds report another investigation. Th...
Cruz, Did you go to school in Boulder or you just liked living in 3 square miles surround by reality My daughter and husband live there. I ...
Interesting. In my time in Boulder I noticed that prices there were pretty high also.
Tommy, I don't see where a father with 15 kids with 10 women, or single mother with kids from multiple fathers has anything to do with a poor job mark...
OT, Physician, not teacher.
Because they are taught that all big business is evil, and they don't have an inkling of Business 101. As long as they collect their their food...
Milk about $5 per gallon STX: $6.00 at Plaza, $5.50 at Food Town
Holy crap, really? Surely, the local population doesn't spend that much, right? Are we talking about people who continue to live the way they did whil...
1996 accord 128000 miles. $2900.00
I won't ever go there to eat again.
Alana, tell us how the environment has improved in the last 2 years.
Not that I've ever seen. Or heard of.
Is $900 a month to feed 3 people too much for you?
I wonder what happened to our records?
They could hook the main cable to WAPA, the water supply to WAPA, and the sewer lines to WMA, and they are good to go. Each house already has a power ...
Your business may have recovered, but will the VI economy recover in the near term?
I once had a solar heater and NEVER had to turn on the electric heater.
Old Kendricks