Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
I don't see how it will result in lower costs. The providers lost all of the government revenue and they have to recoup it somehow. Just like gas stat...
CruzanIron I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give that impression at all. What I meant is that all snakes are perfect in their native environments, BUT an e...
NPR isn't in trouble. It's just that the new station owners may chose a new format that excludes NPR, but it is not written in stone as yet.
I'll have one posted on the FB sales page on Monday.
Sounds like a snake doesn't have the same right to exist as a turtle does. To people that don't like snakes.
Vingn is virgin islands next generation now Virgin Islands Next Generation Network
If you spend any amount of time dealing with the VI Govt the whole zombie thing should be a walk in the park for you. (tu)
You only ever hear one side of the story when it comes to Mapp.
Maybe the old Harvey/Martin Marietta / Vialco site. It has been closed for 20 years and they are still cleaning up the polluted ground.
There is no "old hovensa site"
But there is NO place safe to relocate these exotic snakes in the Virgin Islands. Relocate to South America.
Where do I send my resume? I sent mine in. Only received a thank you letter after the governor announced the nominees. They never even contacted ...
Take it from someone that had a home in South Florida, you should want every exotic snake destroyed on these islands. You relocate, you do not k...
I am on STX, I have the best OTA antenna and booster. I can see Blue Mountan and Mt. Washingington from my house. PBS also gets funds from the GVI...
I wonder why the GVI will fund PBS locally but not NPR? I can't even get PBS over the air because their signal is too weak.
The subject has been beat to death and nothing will change. Unless you can convince the US government to change the constitution to make us a Dem...
Sea Star is the only one running RoRo service from STX and STT.
Frozen yogurt shop
I am still waiting for the results of an appeal filed 3 years ago. The case was won 4 years ago.
The bank is financing, not the dealer.
I've never heard of dealer financing on STX.
The first thing to do is pick which island you would like to live on, or are you asking for info from all 4 islands?
Maybe Mapp can call the people up that wanted to build the rocket launch pad at Great Pond years ago and see if they're still interested. Or maybe Mi...
Beef kidney is good food. Too damn many spoiled Americans will never know what they are missing.
Obama has recently pledged to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay before his term is over. The prospect of a naval base on STX is ONLY if the ...