Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
Tortoises? Never seen any wild ones here.
I noticed one line in that study The levels of all of the VOCs that were measured fell below screening values for short term and long term ...
Alana, remember the false claims against Hovensa? Did anyone ever apologize to them for all of the false claims? For that matter, did the GVI ever apo...
No. Crucians believe that the strong tradewinds will blow the pollution from cars and trucks away and therefore we suffer no harm from the high levels...
only 75 acres this time. no big deal.
Generating energy from biomass is a mature technology and a huge industry in Europe and I don't get why people are such haters of this technology. ...
I added some close up pics here
What is the condition of the support arms and the hard plastic LNB boss? Mine are badly deteriorated. Am I correct that you have the CM 1.8m di...
I am still convinced that this one incident is what destroyed tourism on STX.
... Are we going to open relations with a country that stole millions of dollars from thousands of people, and harbors the worlds criminals, and jus...
Come to the VI - MJ is legal here! Smoke to your hearts content! And don't forget to bring your young children!
Employers that require drug screening will still screen. If people want to make themselves unemployable, it's their choice.
So has the AG asked for him to be extradited back to the VI? Are we going to open relations with a country that stole millions of dollars from th...
An extra $58 million sounds nice /blockquote> Now prorate that to the VI. That's works out to 1 million for the VI if managed correctly.
Floor Specialists
It's also unfortunate that the callers asked about things covered in the media many times over.
Yes, I will be as soon as I find a job in FL.
I miss the Island Melee! It would be great if someone re-started an on line version.
Remember how he was going to send a team into Hovensa to inventory all the assets? Never happened Remember the DOD team that was going to co...
I used to (legally) have snakes many years ago. I heard there were some travelling nurses that had 3 of them about 4 years ago. They lived in Pep...
cruzaniron, it has been said that when they ( hovensa workers) left island to go back to the states, they left a lot of pets behind. people say there...
Not only too many but not enough safety precautions for it not to happen again. It quite boggles the mind how corporations think it's fine to pollute ...
Cultivated sweet potatoes are GMOs. Not by any work of man /blockquote> Interesting reading!
Is there any idea on when (if ever) VINGN is going to deliver on their promise of "next-gen" speeds in the Virgin Islands? The speeds are availab...