Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
We know that Monarch didn't bid.
Just don't end up here: VI Obituaries
You haven't read many of VICANUK's posts, he is negative about almost everything. Reality is not negativity.
Regardless, if money is taken illegally, even if it is returned the next day, it is still a crime and the criminal must face the consequences.
I can deal with any internet bank that isn't licensed or regulated in the VI and conduct banking transactions so whats the difference? The differ...
Is your crystal ball in the shop Cruzan? No, I left it where I live. In a van down by the river. :@)
So Beeski.....when are we going to see the speeds and prices at BBVI that Innovative is offering as mentioned in Islandman' s post? Would be nice! ...
I guess that I missed that. I don't read every post.
Service ends on Friday....
There's only one airport in STT. And there is only one on St.Croix.
So I have been given a job offer in STT. Im 33, engaged with a dog. Is that legal?
In a house. Yes. Do you have any idea at which airport you will be working?
The fact that the law dictates one cannot build in a gut should have been perfectly clear and adhered to the first time this came before them. Y...
I was re-pointed after they said the tree was blocking the signal.
I went from full service to nothing ( for two days). I guess the tree grew so much over night that my service was completely blocked.
If she has a smart or newer TV, hook the video output cable to the TV.
My guavaberry tree is just starting to bloom, and it will be loaded this year!
I do not think STX Property Management is still in business; the space they were in is for rent and one of the principals is working for another Realt...
LOL.....I'm wrong about losing our Customs officers? Really? They are just going to all go away? Care to tell me why?
where on stx would i go to get some jewelry appraised on value?
It gets even worse. The trees grew overnight because of the increased rain.
Got it. The $99 plan is described as AT LEAST 5 MBPS UP TO 30 MBPS. A lot of us have the $49.95 plan, which is described as UP TO 2 MBPS.
Compared to what? Just posting a speed is irrelevant
St. Croix Property Management Do you know these people? I've left phone messages and sent mail through their website and get no response.
Yes, I have had fluctuating speeds on a regular basis. And I had the luxury of having two line of sight transmitters, so we switched to another transm...