Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
I don't believe that there is a senator that is saying you get enough signatures and I'll sponsor a bill. Until then, don't let anyone know who I am. ...
Seems more like you are the only one who thinks she isn't.
It's not BS nor a lie. It's better to attempt to make things better than to do nothing. To create negativity and doubt helps nothing. It is B...
So your dislike of her in the position has nothing to do with her qualifications or experience. It has to do with others who got positions without bei...
So the senator will only sponsor introduction of a bill if a certain number of residents sign a petition. Too bad the good senator doesn't have enoug...
Well Alana? You started this. What's the problem?
Should have. But not all people are like you. Or like me. No WAPA, telephone, rent or any other bills. None. I had to get affidavits to provide proof ...
And who is this senator?
The landlord should advertise as electricity included and jack up the rent to cover the cost. Problem solved.
Start a Facebook page and embarrass them.
Looking forward to getting back to work! Not ready to retire, eh? I thought I was. I'm really not loving it. I was feeling the same way...
Looking forward to getting back to work! Not ready to retire, eh?
Am I missing something? What does this have to do with beach chairs at the Buccaneer?
Of course his 7 vehicle, 10 person security detail is closely guarding him ... Reminds me of years ago when the Clintons visited STT and a bunch ...
Anyone have any good experiences with the Biden visit? Just wondering how secluded and private they are during their visit to stx. They attend ch...
We are still debating whether or not to bring our PWC with us to St. Croix. I know the ins and outs on bringing our vehicle, however, am having a har...
Im east near tipparary, plus 5 down 2 up(just a few weeks ago 12-20 down 2 up). That's great for a 2M plan!
When people talk about thier speeds, you should add what your plan is or what it costs. Telling us your speed means nothing when there is nothing to c...
not the shortage of, but the cost of How many other places on STX supply beach chairs at no charge?
And while it says the public has the right to use/access the beach, it doesn't anywhere say for free, is that implied? Yes, "public" access me...
How many VI politicians claimed degrees and didn't have one?
Except here in the VI where Board of Elections can't account for 3000 missing ballots in the last election. I can't find my college diploma does ...
No one seriously argues that requiring IDs to travel is racist. Requiring a driver's license to engage in the constitutionally protected inalienable r...
You can get 30 days free, then only $100 a year for all the goodies: movies, music, and, well, I got free shipping on books. And you can easily h...