Famed Member
Joined: October 9, 2013 3:45 pm
Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
Topics: 38 / Replies: 2497
RE: 1969 murder?

I don't recall any afterwards with that many. The closest was the Brauhaus Restuarant murders. 2 were killed, 1 wounded. Here is a link on the...

4 years ago
RE: Best (safest) way to transport a large hound to STT?

@daveb722 so your pug wasn't REALLY an ESA but you had it classified as such to make it easier or cheaper for you?

4 years ago
RE: Considering moving from S FL

1) What do you plan to do about health insurance? There is no private health insurance in the VI. 2) Are you prepared to pay over $10,000 a year fo...

4 years ago
RE: Vacation To VI This December?

You have to admit that it's pretty hard to stop the house parties. That is happening everywhere. I went to dinner at a restaurant in Riverview yeste...

4 years ago
RE: Vacation To VI This December?

So Florida is responsible for Spirit flying full? OK, I didn't know that. Isn't that not too different than calling the VI idiots for ALLOWING the fl...

4 years ago
RE: Vacation To VI This December?

That's pretty insulting...

4 years ago
RE: Data Breach?

After signing up they sent me a letter in the mail with a PIN number that had to be validated on their web site to be able to log in to my account.

4 years ago
RE: Crime

You are cherry picking ...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Thanks Jane. As I suspected, it was a targeted crime involving unsavory characters.

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Who in the hotel were they after? It sounded targeted to me, not random. I don' t think there is enough information (as usual) to say it was not gang ...

4 years ago
RE: Interesting Article About Limetree Bay Refining

How soon people seem to have forgotten what happened in 2012...

4 years ago
RE: Moving to the USVI and Looking for a 2 or 3 Bed Home

Which island? Why do you want to move here? Are you bringing your car? Will you have health insurance coverage when here?

5 years ago
RE: Section 8 rentals

I'll put it to you bluntly. If you depend on section 8 on the mainland, you can't afford to live in the VI.

5 years ago
RE: How to disable avatar?

We don't see yours, so why need to disable it?

5 years ago
RE: Fiber Internet?

Using the Ookla Speedtest app, Starlink beta users found speeds as high as 60 Mbps downstream and 17.7 Mbps upstream. Latency was as low as 31 millise...

5 years ago
RE: PMV....And Didn't Love It

There are no rainwater harvesting restrictions in Florida, and it is highly encouraged by the state. Several local municipalities encourage rainwater ...

5 years ago
RE: What's Plan B?

Personally, I don't think that we need a new constitution. I specifically voted for Bert Bryan to be on the committee because I KNEW that he would pus...

5 years ago
RE: What's Plan B?

There is no Plan B. The VI government does not have the foresight to look beyond the next election. When the government is run by a one party system, ...

5 years ago
RE: Rentals, Job Availability Q

1) not difficult if you can afford $1200 and up a month, plus another $250-$300 for electricity 2) if you are willing to accept pay less that states...

5 years ago
RE: Stimulus checks

After all, they have done such a great job in the VI. 🙂

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

What Kevin is saying about the effects on local business is EXACTLY the same thing we heard when K-Mart came here after Woolworth's passed on. And the...

5 years ago
RE: Consortium creates another shitstorm

People were getting their checks yesterday. Pictures were posted.

5 years ago
RE: How Safe Are the Virgin Islands especially St Thomas and St Croix

I had to explain to my wife the other day why the car in front of us came to a full stop at a green light... ?

5 years ago
RE: A bit different than most

I find it funny how he just moved to the VI and acts like an expert in local real estate.

5 years ago
RE: How Safe Are the Virgin Islands especially St Thomas and St Croix

Crime rates have plummeted all around the world... Overall, Chicago’s crime declined 10% after the pandemic struck, a trend playing out globally...

5 years ago
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