Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
Maybe you should ask some of your Crucian/Thomian ancestors how they feel about transfer day.
Maybe it's legitimate but when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... It could be a transgender duck?
And research on this page using the drop down menus. All of your question have been asked before. Who are you working for? What kind of work?
I would consider not coming at all.
How are the teachers going to pay bills if they strike for an extended period? There is no strike fund to help them.
How fast people forget what happened the last time the teachers went on strike. Or why it ended.
Political views? The islands are run by Democrats. Does that cover it?
Alana, no American made vehicle is made of all American parts. Foreign parts on a US made vehicle are not taxed.
We were told a while back that it snowed once several decades ago on St Croix. We thought it was a local trying to BS us. Now I'm not so sure . . . . ...
Get a copy of your drivers record to take with you. Car insurance companies cannot access the VI records. So if you cannot prove no citations in the l...
And accepting his invite could be seen as a backstabbing effort. A support of the opening of Cuba, which is going to impact our tourism product. Damne...
Verizon Fios in FL $49.99 for 50Mbps down.
Always remember to try to never end up with the government owing you a refund. It can take years to get your tax refund check. The interest they pay i...
stxsailor, we held a company-wide evacuation drill in conjunction with the VITEMA test, never heard the sirens. The old hands were expecting the refi...
Deleted. Someone else already referred to publication 570.
2008 Buck Island, STX. Not fatal
And if he is ineligible there is an elected alternate in the wings.
On Oahu they test the system monthly. There are just a few sirens that I know of, one near Divi, another at Crammer Park and one in C'sted by the Govt...
It's a miracle that dogs and cats have managed to survive for generations without premium pet food stores.
I see a lot of companies that no longer exist and others that create absolutely no water pollution at all.
I don't recall the democrats ever holding an election for delegates. Have any of you ever voted in the selection process for delegates to the conventi...
I still can't think of one EDC company on STX that is in a position to pollute the water.
Ooops .
They need to fund it, themselves, as well. Will the voice of VI democrats be denied in choosing delegates to the national convention? Who go...