Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
No jurisdiction in the States has those requirements. I researched that last year. To run as a councilman in Mt. Dora, FL, you must file th ef...
If they're such a great bargain, bust open your piggybank and buy, then you can be nice and tell WAPA they dont have to pay you back (tu)
I wonder what model you have? according to my parts listing, the following 97 Toyota's have a computer: Camry 4 runner T-100 Land Crui...
you can't adjust the price of a used one just because it was shipped from the states. Like heck I can't. Every used car that I have sold was s...
"Let me be very candid, the authority and its ratepayers cannot continue to carry, for the benefit of the entire territory, the burden.... Then i...
My rule of thumb is to add $2,000 to the KBB price for STX.
Naive maybe, but stupid is further than ill go. Who doesn't have hours of sexy time videos though? 😉 Well, when I looked at yours they weren't t...
I don't know if I'd call anything about this stupid... weird yeah. Who was stupid? Stupid for using a cell phone in this manner and thinking it w...
Stupid is as stupid does.
(Is a large group of bats called a Flock???) A colony or cloud usually. If genetically modified to bleat, a flock. GMO bats? I know someone...
The FDA is this morning facing a further crisis after routine DNA tests revealed that the Gerber's brand baby food contains 0% babies. This follo...
"Homemade angel food cake is worth the work. It is moist, unlike the sweet styrofoam available in the grocery bakery. A tube pan with a removable bott...
I remember the days when dogs ate scraps and leftovers and didn't die. Dogs and cats very reflective to see 20. It's obviously from the toxic pet...
I remember the days when dogs ate scraps and leftovers and didn't die.
The OP can derive from this discussion that teaching positions on St. Thomas might offer more suitable teaching positions with a lower standard of per...
Now I know why so damn many students cannot pass a basic written essay.
Most kids who attend private schools here have no or very little noticeable Caribbean accent. I can not explain why. 14 years in private sch...
Those of you now posting are not hoping to be teachers in VI. I don't think anybody on this forum has ever critiqued a grammatically incorrect post fr...
I guess the OP wasn't that serious after all.
Hope you're not an English teacher. (tu)
Good evening to all. I will be moving to St. Croix in August. I have figured out my method of travel, and arranged for my shipping. I will be travel...
As soon as the VI government cannot make a bond payment They will stop making payments on the GVI pensions before that happens. There is only eno...
I will welcome the formation of the financial control board that will ultimately take over the decision making process from the buffoons running thing...
Any Innovative customers on here? I've been trying for weeks to log into my Innovative online account to update my payment information after my c...
It would be nice to have a King and Queen Don't we already have someone holding both positions?