Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
@gators_mom I rinse my roof off first.
@gators_mom I always disconnect the downspouts first...
I always used Thoroseal.
@vicanuck I won a tennant/landlord case in small claims. They appealed (on baseless grounds) and I filed a response to the appeal. It has now been ...
Here is my opinion: Unlike the mainland, people in STX (when I was growing up) did not see dogs as children. Dogs were never allowed inside of the hou...
OH, you mean like the Harvey/Martin Marietta/Vialco site on STX that has basically been abandoned for over 20 years? Everyone is so concerned about Li...
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) What Does Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) Mean? Permissible exposure limit (PEL) is the legal limit in the ...
@alana33 I lived 1/2 a mile away for many years. Never had a problem.
@rewired Why would it be considered a superfund site? There are no wastes stored on the site. The terminal will remain in operation.
I wouldn't want to be on the flight where an untrained 'service dog' takes a shit in the aisles...again.
@alana33 There's been a rusting wreck left behind when Harvey/ Martin Marietta/Vialco closed over 20 years ago and no one seems too concerned wi...
You are on the wrong page. This page is mostly for information for moving to and from the US Virgin Islands.
Thank you. So few people understand PEL's. They think that if you smell something it means you're going to get cancer or die...
On Thursday, May 20, 2021, EPA discovered an uncovered sewer manhole located approximately 100 yards north Monitor Station 1. Strong H2S -like odors w...
On Thursday, May 20, 2021, EPA discovered an uncovered sewer manhole located approximately 100 yards north Monitor Station 1. Strong H2S -like odors w...
You will have to present your old license to get a VI license, or start from scratch and take the written and road tests. The might check your history...
@vicanuck Maybe I'll see you there.
Wow. I wonder where you get that price? There's a 1 bedroom house in downtown C'sted in Craig's list for $700.00.
Here you go: Albizia lebbeck, known as Tibet, Mother in Law's Tongue, or Woman's Tongue Tree is naturalized in the Virgin Islands. It is origin...
It's not tan-tan. Locally called woman's tongue or similar due to the rattling the seed pods make in the wind.
The simple answer? There are none.
@speee1dy But that's impossible ! Per Adam Shifff, From the earliest days of the collusion narrative, Mr. Schiff insisted that he had evidence p...
Wow. My father has 9 brothers and sisters, so you can imagine how extensive the family is now. Only two (under 24) have had covid, with no major sympt...
@vicanuck But, but , but.....This is America! We have or freedoms. We have our rights. You can't tell me what to do! I'll do what I want and you...
@ecomodo STX = St. Croix.