Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
hmmmmm...This is my evil twin thinking out loud ....I wonder if one person bought a subscription, if the password could be used by multiple people on ...
Call the radio talk shows dem A LOT and let the public hear your views.
I used NR Electric for many jobs beyond my level of expertise and was always satisfied with their expertise and pricing. If the job requires having WA...
One only has to look at the political structure of the VI and be aware of the political activity (and lack of it) to see that doom is coming.
Well, instead of moving to the VI where the people on this page comment, you could move to the VI where the people on the secret facebook page live. ...
Gigi, as a landlord I have housed very many newbies. I know first hand what they expect and what they have faced. I ask questions because I know what ...
*yawns* again do your research. I know a couple doctors and nurses who receives housing assistance. Are they poor too? Poor to me is your state of min...
Ignore snide comments and just focus on following the practical suggestions given in answer to your questions. And drink plenty of water.
I'm looking to move to the VI in February I don't believe that anyone who doesn't know what island they are moving to is really moving to the VI.
I will soon be moving to Saint Croix with my teenage son who has Down syndrome. I'm hoping to hear if other families have done so, and if the services...
That is crazy. What caused this upheaval in the health insurance market??
People often use the words interchangeably. As I have always called it, a container has no chassis or wheels, a trailer is permanently mounted on...
The difference between healthy and not healthy is about a millionth of a second.
So this makes the third time that this criminal has been treated at the hospital. At what cost to the community and a beleaguered hospital in need of ...
Not everybody is in a position to contribute to a 401k/IRA and unfortunately have to rely on on SS/Pensions for their retirement savings. I dont thin...
I have faith in people, we lived fine with out grocery stores before.. I'm not convinced we are completely dependent. We lived without hospitals ...
So Matt, you've lived here 10 years ? Have you seen any changes in the election patterns in 10 years? Do you REALLY think they will change? Enjoy...
So I wonder what the " I'll worry about it later" crowd thinks will happen when: GERS announces it cannot pay any more full pensions WAPA an...
Everything on one page:
I have a Budget car also.Perfect and never had any problems.
Well I guess its like all news. People like gossip, dirt, etc. I don't know why? Look at the VIconsortium. Any article that is something posit...
And in 10 years or less the GERS will completely collapse. It already cannot be fixed. The collapse is inevitable and no one is doing a damn thin...
WAPA just borrowed $33 MILLION from First Bank since they can't float any more bonds.
I plan on doing my part. Slowly but surely. In due time... Yes, I've been hearing that 'In due time' for 50 years. At some point you have to fa...
The point is that the OP asked for copies of the forms and the BOE said they had nothing at all on file.