Famed Member
Joined: October 9, 2013 3:45 pm
Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
Topics: 38 / Replies: 2497
Re: Health Insurance woes

The sailor has lived here a very short time and, as many of us old-timers learned, there is much to learn and continue learning the longer you live he...

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

It's the limited availability of health insurance if you work for a private company, and lack of availability if you are self-employed that are the bi...

8 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years. The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartla...

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

This may be a naïve question, or perhaps a question that is just too complicated to answer on a forum like this, but do you all feel that the corrupti...

8 years ago
Re: Moving from maryland to VI

We are looking for something under 1000$ but is in a safe environment with shopping near the water. You will be on an island. Everything is clos...

8 years ago
Re: St. Croix Elections Board Removes Hansen from Ballot

Imo, Chucky and Hilary have things in common: They both appeal to those who feel the "elites" don't care about them. They both know how to u...

8 years ago
Re: Hurricane Hugo Anniversary

It didn't register deaths in the USVI via Hugo because there were none. (tu) There were rumors, and one person that I know died of a heart attac...

8 years ago
Re: Family Move to STX - Need Recommendations!

We've seen a few single family homes with carports which is why I made the statement. much appreciated Yes, they exist. But they are rare. I get ...

8 years ago
Re: Family Move to STX - Need Recommendations!

- Will our mainland Health Insurance be accepted in STX (we'll be working virtually)? . Nope. And you can't buy private health insurance here. ...

8 years ago
Re: Family Move to STX - Need Recommendations!

If you think that you are going to find a house with a carport or garage here, well, good luck. Carports are extremely rare. A garage even more so.

8 years ago
Re: Family Move to STX - Need Recommendations!

Nobody ships from the SW to STX. You will have to ship out of Jacksonville, Port Everglades, West Palm Beach or Miami. You are going to have to have e...

8 years ago
Re: Health Insurance woes

Nothing bad happened to me so you don't need insurance either. Lolololololololololololol An extra $150 grand over ten years isn't chump change. ...

8 years ago
Re: Walmart survey

For heavens sake if you only order twice from WM in a years time you've broke even. It's a lousy 50 bucks people. (tu)

8 years ago
Re: Is there much of a social life in St Croix and Where is the best area to live if your job is in Christiansted?

I'm thinking of moving to St Croix for work purposes and wondering what is there to do on any average day? I am a single woman in my 40's and I am cu...

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

The landfills are overflowing, roadside dumpsters are both ugly and overflowing, state of the art waste stations are finally being constructed and the...

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

Seriously. "Well we didn't pay it back home" is the echoing cry. Sure you did, through your local taxes, one way or the other. .(tu)

8 years ago
Re: Bicycle lanes

If the Federal Government offered to pay for the repaving of miles of roadway, if an environmently freindly bike path was added to ONE side of the roa...

8 years ago
Re: Bicycle lanes

You guys make it sound like adding a 4' shoulder to an already established roadway is like building the space shuttle. For Example: Let's use East...

8 years ago
Re: Bicycle lanes

Apparently, only continentals ride bikes so no real need to waste the money for their benefit. (tu) *-)

8 years ago
Re: The Chinese Must Really Be Coming!

No absolute proof but I understand it was a "partnership". The govt made the arrangements and will be reimbursed. Additionally There about 500 tax ...

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

Then, you'll be paying to dispose of your trash. Its coming. Or you can just dump your trash on the side of the road for free!!

8 years ago
Re: Cotton Valley dump complete mess

What's the plan, if any, for when the landfills are,.....full??? We do not have landfills in the VI. They are dumps.

8 years ago
Re: The Chinese Must Really Be Coming!

Hope so, since your tax dollars are paying for it. Wrong...Limetree Bay Terminals is paying for the celebration. (tu)

8 years ago
Re: Member of Governor's security detail nabbed with cocaine at airport

Anecdotes are STILL not evidence It is not an anecdote. It is a documented fact. Mandatory pre-employment drug testing and random testing an...

8 years ago
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