Last seen: January 21, 2025 9:49 am
The most painful part may be for Clinton supporters, who get to spend the next four years nursing the wound that she won the popular vote by at least ...
Say goodbye to environmental and wildlife protections, civil liberties and equal rights protections, alternative energy and so many other things and s...
alana, i know you would have liked hillary-but she is a monsanto supporter And what they paid her is amazing. Almost as amazing as what she said ...
[ Honest? Ha! He's cheated on everything, paying his bills, his wives, workers, etc. Sorry but I'm sickened by his win and saddened for our coun...
Yes, doctors require stool samples for testing. Yes, you usually have to put them in the container provided by the doctor or lab. He was may...
cruzan, most media outlets have a slant that leans heavily in hillarys favor No kidding. And they don't even try to hide it any more. I liked to ...
Hello. I'm curious to what a typical monthly electric bill may be in the St Thomas region? Just an estimate or recent bill amount. $326.85
Also, I don't know law here but check into it. Maybe someone will come along who knows, but, wouldn't your "therapy dog" be excluded from pet policies...
Technically, yes.... However it is also excellent by virtue of the fact that it very accurately and thoughtfully sums up the situation. ...
Here is an excellent article, really sums up how I feel: An American Tragedy Excellent for Hillary supporters is what you mean.
not one word about trumps win?? Nope. Too many people on suicide watch right now. No reason to pour salt in the wounds. It's time for unity, no...
Yes, I will be working at the hospital What size place are you looking for? I have 2 each 3 bedroom units 5 minutes and no traffic drive to the h...
Read everything in the drop down menus at the top of the page, then ask your specific questions. Number one deal breaker - no health insurance he...
No, it is not outlandish. Yes, it could be feasible. People do it every day. Have you researched your specific concerns on this website? There ...
Death by crossfire? Merely a flesh wound Great movie.
Are you aware that public schools in the VI require uniforms? That's another little expense to deal with.
Thanks for your reply. How much on the average does a decent (safe neighborhood, clean, well run management) 2 bedroom rent for in USVI? according to ...
I choose not to respond as per your request.
St. X. Martial Arts Center 283 Peters Rest Christiansted St. Croix 00820 340 227 7370 ...
Yes, there is.
And for some of us it is our ancestral home.
Which island?
My opinion - horrible ad. Too much wasted airspace and too long to make a point.
Tortola Moving Center.com? (tu)
Your AC will show the power usage rate. You can use your math skills and figure out your wattage use per month. Then multiply by your electric rate.