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Joined: June 1, 2015 6:12 am
Topics: 4 / Replies: 63
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I just finished up my BA in Emerging Media My engineer buddies can't even get their phone calls returned and you got a gig with a BA in "E...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I'm not trying to derail the thread anymore. All i was trying to prove is they are locals being hired and I don't mean just "living requirement" local...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I don't understand what you're trying to say there. Browser based could mean many things. There's client-side/server-side on a high level and several ...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Good bill. If a company is receiving an almost total concession on taxes, it should be required to tap into the educated local network and start hirin...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Good bill. If a company is receiving an almost total concession on taxes, it should be required to tap into the educated local network and start hirin...

9 years ago
Re: A different take on coming to the Islands

I'm pretty sure this was a serious post but I read the OP and seen Leonardo DiCaprio throwing money off the boat in "Wolves of Wallstreet" replaying i...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

I'm so embarrassed by our senators. I'm watching Terrance Nelson ask questions and he's like...."Wah I wan kno about dis here is" ..... Like, dawg, yo...

9 years ago
Re: Prominent VI Resident Shot Several Times While Driving Home From Church

What Jay-Z lyrics did you quote in the philosophy class? "Is Pious pious cause God loves pious? Socrates asked whose bias do y'all seek?" ...

9 years ago
Re: Prominent VI Resident Shot Several Times While Driving Home From Church

Great line from rapper PushaT's song "Sunshine" - "Grandma praying someday, but God can't hear it over gun play." (tu) Wow, someone quoting Pusha...

9 years ago
Re: Best single piece of advice for new resident moving from mainland?

Read "A Small Place" by Jamaica Kincaid with an open mind. I suggest this book because I was born and raised here and never really thought about ...

9 years ago
Re: St. Croix crime...the truth

Funny thing about this story is that the Police reported the wrong mad dead. LOL. I seen Rasheem today. They're so sloppy smh. They had to issue a cor...

9 years ago
Re: USVI Governor's Salary

I'll chime in and say that you get discouraged by nepotism after a while. I've been here from July and I've been hitting the pavement and I haven't ga...

9 years ago
Re: Lazy Reporting by VI Consortium

A lot of VI Consortium's stories come from here without citing info. I got curious. lol

9 years ago
Re: Lazy Reporting by VI Consortium

against the law I would think too Yeah it is but a lot of online sites won't seek legal action unless it's an extreme case. That four factor test...

9 years ago
Replies: 23
Views: 2516
Re: building a cottage on STT

My mother has two wooden houses in her yard that she built before she finished building her main house. One is now rented for extra income and one is ...

10 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1127
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