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Joined: June 1, 2015 6:12 am
Topics: 4 / Replies: 63
Re: Web Design / Graphic Design / Home Decor

One of our board members, AandAVI is a talented web/graphic designer. But, really,with the web based systems like Wix and several others, anyone can d...

9 years ago
Re: Web Design / Graphic Design / Home Decor

I design and develop. My style is very minimalistic though and not everyone likes that. I just finished a custom wordpress theme for a high school fri...

9 years ago
Re: IHOP Now CHOP - The Beginning of the End?

Not a surprise to me. From a branding standpoint it didn't give off the ihop feel.

9 years ago

I red the article link from OP. Interestingly the CEO of VINGN is talking about STX becoming second Silicon Valley. Where this delusions of grandios...

9 years ago
Re: Questions for Moving to VI

What are your fields? That could help with informing you how hard it would be to get a job.

9 years ago
Re: Wapa Fees

Thanks all. I'm aware of the internet deposit too. I'm not moving in for a few weeks so that isn't as important right now. There's some minor repairs ...

9 years ago
Re: Wapa Fees

Depends on your usage. There's a thread (or 2) on this if you use search topic above. Here's WAPA's website. Your landlord should be able...

9 years ago
9 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1131
Re: U.S. Media's Newfound Interest in Caribbean Crime

How is this any different than when the Terminex thing happened on St.John? I was in NYC still when that happened. I seen so many stories, about it on...

9 years ago
Re: Wendy's

Repairs and putting new machines inside. I went there the day before the "yellow tape" and seen a bunch of new appliances in the main dining area and ...

9 years ago
Re: Still fuming after taxi from airport situation.

One evening I couldn't stand waiting and ended up walking to where they were chilling and asked if someone could take me to Castle Coakley. They all s...

9 years ago
Re: Still fuming after taxi from airport situation.

I think everyone gets that bad attitude. A lot of horrible customer service here, in the V.I, with barely any consequences. Consequences for horrible ...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

No one on this forum is going to have the correct answer as to why people leave ... just opinions. And whoever did leave will have their reasons and t...

9 years ago
Re: Chickens Everywhere - St Thomas

I ate the chickens before when I was younger. I probably ate them before but the first time I noticed that I actually ate one was after Hurricane Mari...

9 years ago
Re: why people leave

It's definitely not for everyone. I was born and raised in St.Croix. I left after High School and promised that I'd never come back for many reasons. ...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Hey JahRustyFerrari, cre, monogram and LiquidFlouride: check out this info about IT training in the VI: vingn article about training at St J...

9 years ago
Re: Schools in the VI

The education system here is truly trash though. I don't agree with you completely but education standards throughout the US severely deteriorat...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I know my employer doesn't have my best interest in mind. But I think because I said I just came out of college you feel like I never saw a contract i...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

Lol. You two seem to know all the answers to all the questions of the Virgin Islands world. For you to say there's no such thing as "breach of contrac...

9 years ago
Re: Schools in the VI

They're already creating service bots in China. The education system here is truly trash though. I remember in college when professors would s...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

The point is to prevent the hiring of locals for such time until the non-resident employees become residents and then firing off the locals. Wouldn't ...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

How refreshing to see a positiver approach and a potential solution to the problem! Cast aside the "maybe" and put it into action. If I could be of a...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

It's definitely not all locals. There's a lot of hard working people out here but here's what I noticed. The nepotism that happens here tend to mostly...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I graduated with honors when I got my AS so I choose to go into something that made me more rounded since I did more learning out of school. (tu...

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

I graduated with honors when I got my AS so I choose to go into something that made me more rounded since I did more learning out of school. (tu...

9 years ago
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