Things could get scary if the Fed Gov can't continue to give cause they have no money. I would think about it and plan. Really! Grow food, plan for hi...
Thank you all who replied! Just curious - What kind of a non-profit is "My Brother's Workshop"? I have seen the place. I like to help folks who need t...
Thank you all who replied! I will be taking care of it soon. I'm just a little freaked out that I have made it this far! I did not expect I would!
Many children who are permanent residents wear long sleeve rash guards and hats when on the beach. Also, you almost never see a resident sitting on t...
Oh, and how about the reports that some Chinese imported honey is corn syrup desguised as honey! Stay away from the Chinese plastic "rice" too.
Kind of related to the GMO discussion earlier, most honey in the grocery store is not technically honey because the pollen has all been micro filtered...
Here is an interesting article.
These studies saying GMO food is safe are done by folks who work for Monsanto and other companies who make a LOT of $. Why would you believe them just...
When I looked into the back of a kentucky fried stateside several years ago, I was grossed out by the crud built up on the floor with the middle part ...
As the trend moves tward wireless the VI has been digging up the roads to install cable. They are probably spending millions for the project on an isl...
You can get a permit only if they are in the mood to issue one.
I'm just sayin' folks should not blindly believe everything they are spoon fed. Look at different sides of the fence and use your brain to determine w...
dougtamjj has some good points. People need to wake up! visitand read drudge report Mainstream media is advertising. It is not the unbiased news it ...
My friends daughter graduated from pharmacy school last year. She was working as a cashier at a local drugstore a couple of weeks ago. St Thomas will ...
Perhaps the Connections board on St John would be a good place to get the word out (put up a flyer). Lots of travelers read it. I wonder if Tourism mi...
Not much camping really, St John has a national park but is becoming more of a police state (rangers armed, did not used to be::sensors installed in p...
My little boy was set to go to Boston and the deal fell through. Now he is mine and he gets a lifetime of love right here on STT. They really do deser...
St John keeps its crime from print. For true!
"The cable is being installed on BOTH sides of the road. so when one side is finished the trenches are dug on the opposite side." Some places they ...
I have found Advance Auto Parts formerly Western Auto to be professional and fair especially for smaller jobs. They fixed a flat for $10, got my ebrak...
My friend teaches art at a STT school. They have so little respect for what she does, they expect her to teach special ed art cause art is just BS any...