Thank you so much stjohnjulie. This is very very helpful in our planning. Thank you for the advice about waiting because that was what we were plann...
Garret, Defintely interested. We also heard from many people that we should wait to find a place till we get down there. We want roommates for sure....
lydjane- Sounds great, we have some connections in STT, STX, and STJ and it seems like STJ will fit us best. We are definetly interested in roommates ...
How did you get a job so fast? ... that is great. Where in Texas are you from. We are from Colorado. Where in Redhook are you moving? We have a one-wa...
I also have Verizon (Colorado) moving in November. I have a droid. I spoke with a Verizon rep here and they said I would have unlimited text messaging...
Hey Justin! Thanks for the response. Have you visited to the USVI's yet. What makes you choose STJ? What work/stay program are you doing? We are inter...