Dan, My name is Elena Huston. I'm very interested in the availability of your guest room and have been unable to reach you. I've been unable to P...
Thanks Bob! I did see that post, thanks for mentioning it. So far the general plan is any job will do when we get there and then learn and expand a...
Thanks again, Marty That clears it up some. Lena:)
Harry, Have you tried looking on the website: America's Job Bank? Do a search by location for the US Virgin Islands. I think I saw a couple of jobs...
Thanks Marty. That's the impression I've been getting. You mentioned the tour place, do you mean their no longer operating, never got off the ground?...
Thanks for the info Rich. We'll keep it in mind. Lena
Thanks Rich. We are on usajobs everyday, but what I'm finding is more my line than his. Can you think of anything "marine" specifically, or should we ...
Wow! Thank you so much for the prompt, kind and informative replies! We won't be sitting on the beach until we're employed and settled (Keith is insis...