Honorable Member
Joined: August 27, 2007 2:17 am
Topics: 23 / Replies: 508
Re: netflix streaming

I found a previous thread about this topic. You need to change your Ip address so it thinks your in the states. HotSpot seems to do the trick. ...

14 years ago
Re: Soon Come - TS Earl

There's one projection that has it hitting STT dead on. Hope it speeds up, blows north and we all just get some rain!

14 years ago
Re: Need a Tailor in STX

Try the Clothes Line #778-3001 Located near Hovensa on the road from Sunny Isle. Turn left like you're going to VI cargo then make an immediate r...

14 years ago
Re: Local Eggs on STX

Where did you buy them, Linda? I'd be interested to find out why anyone would be sourcing eggs from so far north. I work at a food distributor on...

14 years ago
Re: Think the murder rate here is high - try Venezuela!

I worked with Venezuelan chef interns and became close friends with one of them. He told a story where he lived downtown Caracas and his apartmen...

14 years ago
Re: Soon come.

Nice work Chris. I look forward to working with you!

14 years ago
Re: Auto Parts

I like Rock Auto they deliver here fast and their prices are very low. Just search their directory to find your part. Or, I usually google the exact s...

14 years ago
Re: Maps

Thanks for sharing that site Bombi, very cool maps!

14 years ago
Re: Question for the Foodies

There's "culantro" that has dull spiked leaves. It's also called "recao" in Puerto Rico and Trinidad. Very similar to cilantro, but with different s...

14 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix

Yep, your desires may be a bit unrealistic. Sometimes there's great deals where you can find a "package" deal including utilities, but that will ...

14 years ago
Re: New Restaurant at ex-Chicken Charlie's

Now that would be interesting! I wish we had Mexicans on island

14 years ago
Re: Moving to STX

Queens Quarters is a neighborhood right up the road. I'd say it's about 1/2 mile away. I was in the market for an apt in late April and I know there w...

14 years ago
Re: Music Scene

Craiglist is not being utilized in the VI like it should be. Any new act will be welcomed and you can easily gig on St.Croix. Noah

14 years ago
Re: Moving to STX

Oof, a Suburban takes up a lot of space (to ship) and it's a gas guzzler for one hell of a drive. I'd say save the money spent on getting your vehicle...

14 years ago
Re: Big Reggae Weekend around the VIs

Very cool, thanks for the heads up! So, I've been to a reggae show before...what time does 6 o'clock REALLY mean? Noah

14 years ago
Re: More Q's: Which island?

To answer your Q: StX

14 years ago
Re: Happy Shark Week

Sharks should swim twice. Once in the ocean, second in a spicy broth

14 years ago
Re: Skeeters are back

I'm buying mine after work today. I'm an avid tennis player, would the mosquitos appreciate topspin? What about a backhand slice?

14 years ago
Re: Skeeters are back

I had been holding off, but I'm going to buy one of the tennis racquet zappers. Fun and lethal!

14 years ago
Re: Visiting for a week, with relocation in mind. Need advice.

I moved down with MUCH less. I had a job upon arriving, and that helped with budgeting. You will need 1st month's rent and deposit to get into a place...

14 years ago
Re: Local Book Collection for Sale - STX

That's quite the collection!

14 years ago
Re: STX Place to stay

That may be a tough find. I was looking for a one bedroom a few months ago and the majority were around $1k/month, without utilities. I found one plac...

14 years ago
Re: Ihop STX

I directly work with, serve, and distribute to restaurants and hotels on island. I feel like I (we) do a great job. I'm no longer on the Chef side o...

14 years ago
Re: asthma/allergy Dr.

I spoke w Dr.Merritt (dermatologist) about a RAS Test and she recommended Dr.Audria Thomas for allergies. She's located on St.Thomas, but comes to St....

14 years ago
Re: Off the Wall, armed robbery last night

It's been relatively quiet until this..... Maybe this will be enough to push through the "idea" of a north shore police station. I know there's a...

14 years ago
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