Honorable Member
Joined: August 27, 2007 2:17 am
Topics: 23 / Replies: 508
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Just to plug myself. . . new spring/summer menu rolled out last night at Salud. Juanita, everything you know and love is GONE! Just kidding. To n...

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Hey Bassman I got your card last time you came through. Look forward to having you!

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

I went to Rowdy Joe's yesterday as well to see some friends. Dennis behind the bar had a great white sangria w all sorts of fruit floating in it. Scot...

16 years ago
Re: TurboTax e-filing issues

Well, I called the IRB. I told them I had mailed my return to St.Thomas and was wondering if there was any harm in filing again on STX. I got transf...

16 years ago
Re: TurboTax e-filing issues

Is it that bad? Isn't it the same IRB regardless of which island? I just mailed it to the address it told me.

16 years ago
Re: TurboTax e-filing issues

Oops, I used TurboTax and printed out my info and mailed it to STT. I put down my checking account info for direct deposit.....they don't do that...

16 years ago
16 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1200
Re: Love Sac (bean bag) or other comfortable sitting piece

When I was in the states last summer I went to a Love Sac store and they had no way of shipping them to the VIs. I could only imagine the shipping cos...

16 years ago
Re: New Restaurant on Northshore STX

The owners are a couple who also had a successful restaurant on St.John called 10 Tables. He's a Chef, she's a server. She was a server at Salud and h...

16 years ago
Re: Car inspection, registration question

The other guy is the dude that yelled at me for honking my horn twice on accident! Quote: "Just honk once! This ain't no fun and games!" Guess th...

16 years ago
Re: Car inspection, registration question

When I got my car inspected recently this was the test: Windshield wipers Horn Reverse lights Brake lights Headlights Turning signals (...

16 years ago
16 years ago
Re: bowling alley

It's a nice alley but like everything else, there's plenty of glitches. The computers crash frequently, balls get stuck a lot, and the house balls are...

16 years ago
Re: helicopters all ovah

I'm much more concerned about drunk drivers, thugs with guns, or boats full of cocaine unloading onto STX. Who cares if people grow pot? Guess the law...

16 years ago
Re: Stanford Financial

Dang, I contemplated applying to be a chef on his yacht. Speaking of yacht, one of my food purveyors told me today that they went to the dock to ...

16 years ago
Re: To the pigs who trashed Ha'Penny Beach Last Night

I would hope that anyone throwing a blow out would pick it all up. Maybe it took them a few days to shake the hangover 🙂

16 years ago
Re: St Croix Likes and Dislike

Love: Weather, sea, beaches, lizards, sunshine everyday, peacock friends, fresh Heinekens, local fish, local fruits Dislike: Potholes, drivin...

16 years ago
Re: To the pigs who trashed Ha'Penny Beach Last Night

I know the people who stxem is talking about. I'd like to think that they're eco-friendly and clean people....but maybe I don't know them well enough.

16 years ago
Re: helicopters all ovah

They should go after all of the cocaine. I'm sure they duffel bag the weed, take it home, dry it out, and have the cops sell it. If they put the ...

16 years ago
Re: Any gardeners out there?

I have heirloom tomatoes growing right now and it sure was easy. No lack of sun here!

16 years ago
Re: advice on spiders, roaches and scorpions

I'd say if you're on the ground level you have to worry more. Lizards are good..and thrive everywhere. Roaches yes, spiders yes, scorpions....none tha...

16 years ago
Re: Old habits Die hard and some don't Die at all.

Speee1dy, when I decided to quit, I was the chef of a bar/restaurant and pretty stressed out. I just had enough. I bought the Commit lozenges to keep ...

16 years ago
Re: Old habits Die hard and some don't Die at all.

I still enjoy the smell of a freshly lit smoke, after that it stinks 🙂

16 years ago
Re: jay-z and young jeezy at inaugeration

I voted for Bobby and Whitney

16 years ago
16 years ago
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