Wow, i was in the islands when all this "BLUBBERING" WENT ON. I just found this post. Can you tell me more about the position, still available...
Thanks, this was the place I was looking for. Do you know anything about it? Cameron
Not alot of information here, can you send more...where, size, I don't know didn't include much. we are moving there this fall from An...
HI, We are also hoping to make the move there. Contact Matt and Stevie Spencer at S.O.S. Spencer Ocean Services, they are near Hovensa and have...
dogs allowed? pictures? cam
thanks, for your information. I am Confused by your saying that - airlines don't allow dogs. The only way to fly dogs (of large size) is in the b...
Chantelle, have you rented?
Elmer, We have visited St.Croix for 2 years and are trying to move there as well. I am a Houstonion as well, but currently live in Annapolis, Md...
Cost? Are dogs allowed? cameron
Wow, way too much drama. Sometimes we have to follow our instinct and intuition. Life should be way easier then all of this.
would love to talk to you. We are also considering the move. We have spent 2 xmas there and love the island, but mostly the people! Call me, Ch...
Hi, We are also planning on moving to St.Croix this fall. Like you, we are tired of the "rat race". We live in Annapolis, Md. and have visited ...
Hi, we are planning on moving to St.Croix in the fall, we have 2 dogs. There is information on this website. You need to contact the airlines, ...
what island? Cameron
Hello, Where are you moving from? We are considering the same thing...we live in Annapolis, Md. currently. My boyfriend is Scott Leonard. His ...
hi, we are also planning to move to ST.Croix this fall. We visited the island the last 2 years. We are a professional couple with local co...
THanks, have book too, it's just always nice to actually "speak" with people. Good Luck, Cameron
THanks, that's what I have been doing. Cheers, cam
hi, we are planning on moving to St.Croix in the fall. We live in Annapolis currently. I want to bring my MiniCooper. Can you tell me who you use...
can you send pictures to above email? cameron
Moving there in Sept...if you have something available then, let me know...2 dogs. I lab and a Golden, both loveable. Cameron
HI, Would love to hear more, unfortunately we arn't moving to St.Croix until Sept., but if you have anything available then - WE WOULD BE VERY IN...