Reputable Member
Joined: August 21, 2009 4:20 am
Topics: 40 / Replies: 237
Re: Electric bills

everything else I can see - but no AC in 85-90 during the day (and hot humd night) - no way. I don't care if it's $500 a month, I need 75 degrees and ...

15 years ago
Re: High Holy Days Schedule

Is Sukkot celebration open to visitors/non-members?

15 years ago
Re: More newbie q's

Thanks for the reference! I would agree that 10/20/10 is not a useful policy except for formal compliance, it is trivial to get hit with a much bigg...

15 years ago
Re: More newbie q's

Thanks to all for the replies! This is useful info and clearly there are a few options - now I just have to use one 🙂

15 years ago
Re: More newbie q's

And, auto insurance is not hard to get, just a different process from stateside. Here you go into an insurance company's office, fill out their forms...

15 years ago
Re: More newbie q's

I do plan on a PO box but, at least according to USPS online system, there is a waiting list in all STT post offices for all but largest/most expensiv...

15 years ago
Re: More newbie q's

So, pardon the silly question, what happens if someone was to mail something to my "home address"? Would it be returned to sender? Would it just sit a...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 20
Views: 1985
Re: Affordable auto insurance (with payment plans).

I'll bump this thread back to living, if you don't mind. How are auto-insurance costs? Is full coverage expensive and, considering relatively hig...

15 years ago
Re: New Food Survey Costs Just Released

From this list I'd say quite a few things are cheaper than in my local stores (except, perhaps, the discount grocery nearby - which also has very poor...

15 years ago
Re: New Food Survey Costs Just Released

what, no regular milk? is this a vegan survey?

15 years ago
Re: Telephone long distance

the VOIP sound quality is actually better than Innovative. STX to Maine and Hawaii sound like next door. There is some stimulus $ coming to impro...

15 years ago
Re: Telephone long distance

A T1 is only about 1.5Mbit. At the higher end speed for (1Mbit) the difference should not be huge (or even noticeable) if they work as pr...

15 years ago
Re: Need a new cell provider

I am looking into the same issue. Both Sprint and ATT work on st. Thomas. I tested both and service for each was good, with coverage actually ava...

15 years ago
Re: Telephone long distance

What about Dish network? Can you get Satellite Internet with it? Satellite internet connections do not work very well for streaming data (li...

15 years ago
Re: Telephone long distance

For VOIP what do you use as an internet connection? I gave up on innovative. $30 per month with nothing but annoyance. My service was out more th...

15 years ago
Re: Telephone long distance

Yep, I am also leaning towards using cell phone for regular phone service - but connection quality tends to vary. It'd be really nice to get a re...

15 years ago
Re: 14 murders this month in STX

If people know that when their dogs are killed - they will be targeted for a burglary, wouldn't they move their valuables somwhere soon thereafter? Wh...

15 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 1540
Re: Companies that ship to the VI

Is there a similar service for St. Thomas? At the top of the page, click shipping. I contacted a few other services but none seem to have th...

15 years ago
Re: Companies that ship to the VI

I looked it up and it seems that VI Cargo only ships to St. Croix? Is that right? Is there a similar service for St. Thomas?

15 years ago
Re: Wanted: 2br apartment/house on STT

We are looking for a 1 year lease. I have a 2 bedroom condo but it is only available for November. 2400 plus utilities. billd

15 years ago
Re: Pharmacies

I am not local but in my visits I haven't seen any "chain" pharmacies on the island. May be you could get "prescriptions by mail"? My insurance prov...

15 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 763
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