Eminent Member
Joined: May 12, 2014 1:11 pm
Topics: 5 / Replies: 33
Re: Buying car in PR and shipping to STX

Nightmare process getting a car out of PR. Plan on visiting multiple places and inspections. God forbid the engine or frame identification number is i...

7 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1329
Re: Adult Parade Disgusting Episode

Unfortunately this is why I can't attend these with my children. It's a shame. I'm not a prude and as liberal as it gets. But come on. I've been to do...

8 years ago
Re: zika

Department of Health will now also send a company out to do mosquito treatment if there is a specific area/home with a problem. Give them a call.

8 years ago
Re: BroadBandVI on STX

Just switched to innovative. Had BBVI for years with great customer service but I'm now getting 25mbps for $40 for 6 months, without a 1 year contract...

9 years ago
Re: Best prices for Gas and Diesel on STT

How do all the gas stations in STX jump 40cents within days? They all run out at the same time? And did the rack rate really increase 40 cents? Or are...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI 2016 Bandwidth Upgrades

My BBVI service speed has been degrading in recent months. Many nights you cannot stream video. I've called a half a dozen times and while the custome...

9 years ago
Re: Zika Virus St. Croix

Papers need to entice people to buy. But the sensationalism is too over the top. No adult has ever died of the disease, 80% of people don't even get s...

9 years ago
Re: The Senate just shut down NPS destroying the Bioluminescent Bay in St. Croix

Nonetheless, it is nice to see senators concerned with the preserving the area when there are alternative sites that should have been and still should...

9 years ago
Re: The Senate just shut down NPS destroying the Bioluminescent Bay in St. Croix

I thought it was just an information hearing. No votes.

9 years ago
Re: Zika Virus St. Croix

I don't think there is any issue with eradicating these species because they are invasive from Africa. The issue is with the chemical methods we have ...

9 years ago
Re: Meet New Commissioner of Health, Michelle S. Davis, PhD

I would suspect that her qualifications from the federal government and her relationship thus far will be beneficial to fixing issues. There is a lot ...

9 years ago
Re: Meet New Commissioner of Health, Michelle S. Davis, PhD

Fortunately, we also have a CDC trained epidemiologist with a PhD that was hired last year - just in time for the Chikungunya outbreak. It is a very g...

9 years ago
Re: VINGN Gobbles Up Public Funds; Refuses to List Employees and Salaries

It's one thing to have it public, where you can go look it up. It's another to advertise the salary of every employee of the largest employer. It's in...

9 years ago
Re: Hovensa Bankruptcy Info

Could the lawyers out there explain? Is Monarch really bidding almost 1.3 BILLION dollars? I thought they didn't bid.

9 years ago
Re: USTVNow performance, on Roku 3 and Broadband VI Internet connection?

I've been trying it for the last few months. In general, it is acceptable but other times it will make you want to smash your tv. I think the congesti...

9 years ago
Re: 1994 Ford Turbo Diesel F-250

Saw it by 5 corners today. Looks nice. Updated tires look great.

10 years ago
Re: Turbo-Broadband Speeds Available to Local Residences and Businesses

Thanks for the feedback on the 12mbps. And I agree with oldtart that the truth has been embellished. Infrastructure and electricity costs money. Why w...

10 years ago
Re: Turbo-Broadband Speeds Available to Local Residences and Businesses

I was hoping to revive this thread about fast internet since Governor Map was just telling the tv news in Atlanta that we have the fastest internet in...

10 years ago
Re: Selling tax stamp?

Can anyone clarify this for me. I'm the buyer and having to pay. However, the lawyer is telling me that it isn't based on the sale price but a tax app...

10 years ago
Re: 3 bedroom Judith's Fancy Rental

It is still available. A realtor is going to take a look at the house this Saturday. We haven't shown it to anybody yet. PM me and I can give you deta...

10 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1843
Re: cell phones

We have one phone on Straight Talk in STX. It costs half the price of my ATT contract. It works the same as my ATT phone, uses the same network. You c...

10 years ago
Re: Mommy Groups on St. Croix

What about Tamarind Moms? I think they meet weekly and have an email list. Sorry, no kid here so I can't provide the contact info, but hopefully someo...

10 years ago
Re: emissions in st croix

It would be very difficult to track cancer because the islands haven't had a cancer registry. However, the Department of Health recently received fund...

10 years ago
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