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Joined: June 16, 2005 12:30 pm
Topics: 11 / Replies: 115
Re: USVI Schools

With much respect to those who make the choice to move down - WHY? I may be wrong in assuming, Jane, that you choose to live there. WHY would any...

19 years ago
Re: Finding the Best Saltfish Pate on STT

This thread is not good for my diet. Try the saltfish pate!! Yumm! Who has the best saltfish pate? I like 'em spicy.

19 years ago
Re: Did you feel this one?

EE, I was just thinking that a 5.3 might stick in the memory. I am not used to them like many of you seem to be. I am glad to read that they are so fr...

19 years ago
Did you feel this one?

" Press Releases : British Virgin Islands Last Updated: Mar 24th, 2006 - 10:16:20 --------------------------------------------------------------...

19 years ago
Re: Earthquakes

(groan) i just did a search and found the answer for myself 🙁 "Earthquake Activity Leaving Some V.I. Residents Shaken by Lynda Lohr Ju...

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 1923
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

STTResident, Head Butting? With you? Who would ever believe that you and I might headbutt? (grin) I'll be sure to stop in 🙂 Thanks.

19 years ago
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

STT Resident is correct and her point is valid. My post of memories was only based on the view of a child. I don't know how hard it was for my parents...

19 years ago
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

Nikki, Sounds like you'll be a VI resident before too long. One other piece of encouragement: This morning I was thinking about the childhoo...

19 years ago
Re: STT - Where do you buy fresh fish for meals?

Now I am sorry that my flight is coming on late on a Sat morning. I'll have to wait til the following Saturday to visit the Frenchies and have this ex...

19 years ago
Re: STT - Where do you buy fresh fish for meals?

Thanks all. I eat wild sockeye salmon almost every day, in some form, so the lack of fresh wild salmon will be felt . Though, I'm sure I can plan a me...

19 years ago
Re: USVI Schools

It is my opinion that the Caribbean is very much a "have" and "have not" focused place. Ironically, many statesiders relocate with the belief that the...

19 years ago
Re: STT - Where do you buy fresh fish for meals?

Thank you all for these recent posts and warnings. I am now worried about the roadside stands/trucks. I am not interested in pot fish, but would like ...

19 years ago
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

Magen, Yes, I agree with you. There are always in a much needed anesthesiologist who is willing to move his or her family to the...

19 years ago
Re: STT - Where do you buy fresh fish for meals?

Thank you dntw8up and STTResident. I will check out both locations. You are both a wealth of information. If you please, would you answer one oth...

19 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 2892
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

I've read a few references to financial aid in consideration of moving down. I have to say that I believe it pretty irresponsible for anyone to choose...

19 years ago
Re: EPIDURALS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? No epidurals before now? I retract what I wrote to Nikki about the VI not being a third world country - until now. Sheesh.

19 years ago
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

John, she still is! She and dad have recently taken to mailboat hopping to make their way around the Granadines.....

19 years ago
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

Nikki, I had to run out earlier and I ended my last post to you prematurely. I wanted to give you a bit of the "downside" as I see it. I don't think i...

19 years ago
Re: Are we crazy to move children to the usvi??

Nikki, My parents moved my brother and I to STT when we were 4 and 7. We stayed for a few years, but then returned to the states for education pu...

19 years ago
Re: Path to Platform

Jules, It is past Little Megans, but before the beach that fronts the Sand Dollar Estate. There isn't a public access road to get to the beach pa...

19 years ago
Re: Path to Platform

Thanks Onika. Hope you're enjoying the new home!

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1115

I definitely believe the restaurant thing was a "payoff" issue. You don't do anything without a wad of cash in your pocket. You need someone connected...

20 years ago
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