Noble Member
Joined: August 31, 2007 3:00 pm
Topics: 246 / Replies: 839
Re: job relocation & rentals

You can live almost anywhere with the exception of the south side. The issue is where do you want to live? Like a previous writer said he likes the m...

17 years ago
Re: How bad is the crime?

I think the crime rate is so far above the national rate. Most crimes are local related. The rapes, killings, domestic abuse are hapening every day. ...

17 years ago
Re: Attorney/legal counsel on STT

I use tom bolt. he is very good! billd

17 years ago
Re: Low Cost Rentals Available on STT

Sorry, I can't do it for 800. The rooms are vacation rentals and designed for short stays. Bil

17 years ago
Re: Low Cost Rentals Available on STT

Sorry I can do it for 400 a month. The rooms are designed for short stays. Bill

17 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1142
Re: Couple looking for home

I have a room you can rent right above sapphire beach. Frig, microwave, bathroom, AC, TV and a pool. Short term rate of 95/night. If interested p...

17 years ago
Re: Hotels on STT

try going nto a privatem party that has a room to rent. Better deal and generally better digs. billd

17 years ago
Re: STT Home Depot

I purchase a ton of things for the STT home depot. But I needed to send down a trailer load of stuff. So I designed the kitchen in NJ, had every appli...

17 years ago
Re: Drinking water prices???

buy you water at cost you less or price mart. It is almost reasonable. We but what we drink or cook with only. billd

17 years ago
Re: Real Estate

I think that the market has slowed down a bit. There are very few homes available for 300000 or less that you would ant to live in. Condo sales are st...

17 years ago
Re: Finding an Apt....

Sorry to hear about the problems you are having. We have a room that is designed for vacatoners, not long term stays. It is available starting 1/...

17 years ago
Re: need car

did you look in the trader? billd

17 years ago
Re: Cape Cod Master Gardener looking for temp housing

I have a room to rent by Sapphire Beach on the east end. It has its own private bath, AC, TV, microwave, frig. Write us at sapphirebeachcondos@gmail....

17 years ago
Re: Looking for East End. Freydenhoj area rental.

f you need short term rental I have a room, with private bath, AC, TV, microwave, frig for 90 by Sapphire Beach. write us if interested at sapph...

17 years ago
Re: Need Short Term Rental

I have a two bedroom on Crystal Cove on Sapphire Beach. It rents for 3000/month plus utilities in the off season. May 15 would be the off season. This...

17 years ago
Re: MOVING to St. Thomas - need housing

Did you find anything? I still have that room to rent with AC/microwve,frig, bath etc right above Sapphire Beach. Blld

17 years ago
Re: Used car wanted and shopping advice

Realy look close at what you can buy on island. It will cost you about 2-3K to bring a vehicle in. If you do bring a vehicle in give it the once over ...

17 years ago
Re: Why is solar not bigger on the VI?

One of the problems is that the rebates from the government are ONLY good at dealers in the VI. (This is one of those good old boy deals) If they woul...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1350
Re: Looking for place to rent Jan 2008 on STT

I have a room you can rent with its own bath, TV, AC, and a pool. It is right above Sapphire Beach which is where you want to be. It is about 1/2 mile...

17 years ago
Re: MOVING to St. Thomas - need housing

I have a room with a frig, bath room, TV AC, Pool. I normally rent it out for 85 a night but we might be able to cut you a deal if you would want it. ...

17 years ago
Re: STT House for Rent - March 2008 ?

I have a condo for rent but it is on the east side. 2 bed rooms and a murphy bed as well as a day bed. If interested please write me at billdzio@gmail...

17 years ago
Re: Does anyone know what this is?

If it is a round hole about the size of a quarter then it is a tarantula nest. But don't worry they seldom bite and they are not the ones you hear abo...

17 years ago
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