Honorable Member
Joined: August 17, 2008 6:38 pm
Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
Topics: 9 / Replies: 635
Re: DPS has already begun the destruction of the bio bay in St. Croix

SunnyCaribe, I lived next to the propsed site for 8 years. I have walked around the site hundreds of times. I do not think it is the best location...

9 years ago
Re: Dish tv ....what is your experience?

I'll pile on, very satisfied Dish customer here. The advantages over Innovative are: 1) picture quality - Dish looks better on an HD Big Screen TV ...

9 years ago
Re: Hovensa Bankruptcy Info

I would like to think that the Governor is negotiating the best possible outcome for the VI, jobs plus cash. Buckeye's deal must not be as good for t...

9 years ago
Re: Hovensa Bankruptcy Info

a little more detail in yesterday's Daily News:

9 years ago
Re: Hovensa Bankruptcy Info

Monarch's bid was for $40mil cash, the rest in promises and taken on liabilities....not cash. I would suspect the bankruptcy judge would have put the...

9 years ago
Re: Internet on Boat

External cell antenna, AT&T mobile Hotspot with data plan. You should be able to swing on the mooring without signal loss. I agree with Roto...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

So Beeski.....when are we going to see the speeds and prices at BBVI that Innovative is offering as mentioned in Islandman' s post? Would be nice! ...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

So Beeski.....when are we going to see the speeds and prices at BBVI that Innovative is offering as mentioned in Islandman' s post? Would be nice! ...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

Well. It seems we dont have internet at the moment. I guess for about 1/2 hour or so. If its not back by tomorrow I guess I will call if you con...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

Slow again in the middle of my netflix… Can anyone recommend a short term (reliable) connection here on the island so as to eliminate BBVI ...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

I have taken it to them. More than once. They came out and told me it's not their problem. If trees were in the way the problem would be constant, ...

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

Novanut, How can I respond since you hide behind an anonymous message board name? I have no earthly idea who you are. We have tons of satisfied ...

9 years ago
Re: Sunscreen with Oxybenzone Dangerous to Corals

Does anyone have a favorite "reef safe" sunscreen and know a store on STX (or STT for that matter) that carries it? I am going Oxybenzone free.

9 years ago
Re: BBVI STX real slow, again

BBVI . 05 Mbps this morning. The usual mid-morning slowdown. Have you called the office at 719-2943 to see if there is a problem....or if you are...

9 years ago
Re: Hovensa: A done deal?

/blockquote> Wow! Buckeye wants the fuel storage / terminal. Very interesting.....the VI could select which company we want based on how many...

9 years ago
Re: ATN purchasing Innovative

BBVI provides Internet service to about a dozen condominium associations, most have all units hooked up to our Internet.

9 years ago
Re: Aircraft flying around east end of STX last night?

it could have been the Hurricane Hunters coming in for a landing on runway 28 with their landing lights on.....they have been flying up to the Bahamas...

9 years ago
Re: Filmed on St Croix - 1960 Sci Fi B Grade Movie (maybe C)

I sent a link to all my friends in Judiths Fancy. I believe that is the Judiths Fancy ruins at the climactic end of the movie.

9 years ago
Re: Tropical Storm Erika

VI Peeps, pay attention. Above statement says "up to 8 inches of rain". Weather Underground predicts 6+ inches for both STT and STX. Be prepared...

10 years ago
Re: Tropical Storm Danny Forms in Atlantic

close to an inch of rain near Cheeseburgers on STX.

10 years ago
Re: Can't reach Broadband VI

the WAPA pole broke in front of our STX office. Hospital Street is blocked in front of the Csted Fort while they fix the pole...our phones are now wo...

10 years ago
Re: Can't reach Broadband VI

the WAPA pole broke in front of our STX office. Hospital Street is blocked in front of the Csted Fort while they fix the pole...our phones are now wo...

10 years ago

I agree. We (BBVI) are working on it. Soon come! If you are seeing poor speeds, please call the office and ask them to take a look. STT = 7...

10 years ago
Re: Car wash in STX???

I pay $20 in Govt Lot for my huge SUV. Nice guys.

10 years ago
Re: William and Punch Resort

Alana, you no not of what you speak. There are no "environmental issues" at this location. There is no has been dead for hundreds of ye...

10 years ago
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