Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
I will take the contratrian point of view; Mapp has done a good job his first year. Upon taking office, he was left a $144mil deficit by the previo...
It is a tower by tower process.....soon come Rotor.
Can we have both? Channel 8 News and ABC TV in HD from PR?
AMC is negotiating fee increases, and may go dark on small Cable TV operators like Innovative: AMC will continue on Dish Network. ABC is no...
There's a perception by many on STX that STT senators just don't want anything good happening for STX, or at the very least, just don't care. It's us...
Why would 4 STT Senators vote against this deal? EastEnd, Sparty, Alana, and Old Tart... What part of: - this deal is on a Bankruptcy Court deadli...
So let us know how things go down the road with improving life in STX now that the deal is done. Good luck, y'all. the alternative was: - zero ...
I got some clarification of the Buccaneer's Beach Policy: 1) There is no charge to use the beach. If you park at the Gate by the golf clubhouse ...
The owners are more local than you are monogram. Hey, I've been pretty tan as of late. 😉 What does skin color have to do with this di...
If someone is buying drinks, etc. I don't think they should be charged to sit in a chair. By purchasing a drink, the customer has purchased the right ...
Here is a link to Legislature TV.
I started living on STX 18 years ago, commuting to Atlanta via Delta. No wife or kids, so it was much easier. At the time my friends on STX said I h...
Working fine for Broadband VI customers 😉
$15,000.00 a year in property taxes? Which county is this in? Somerset and Mercer. Common property tax rates in NJ, NY and CT
I almost never express an opinion--and certainly not on politics.....This is one of those posts I know I should avoid....but here goes.... In add...
buying your TV locally gives you on-island warranty protection. worth any additional costs to me.
i do not know anything of this man or family, but we must remember that even people from good families and those that go to church can and have been i...
Beeski, it would be interesting to see the $ value of that concession list vs the $ VI govt gets. Need to take into consideration time value of money,...
So far, all we've been hearing about is what we're getting. There's been nothing about what they're getting in terms of concessions from the VI Gov...
singlefin, its onshore wind turbines, not offshore. and I lived there 8 or 9 me, the Pelicans and Frigates will be chopped up into l...
Logic tells me that the Governor and his staff have analyzed all 3 bids, to determine which company offered the most potential to the VI economy, and ...
..... Do we have some exciting news....soon come? 😉 Last time I read "soon come" I had to wait a year to get a gyro with tzatziki. touch...
Good grief, not all customers are happy with Dish, Broadband VI or any other tech/internet/TV service either. I'm not damning any provider, simply gi...
We've all heard the argument before against wind turbines...the poor birds. Should we ground all aircraft on the planet too? What about every living...
Come on OT, be fair. Out of all the posts on this topic, yours, thus far, is the only one that supports Innovative. Everyone else prefers DISHTV. ...