Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
As of 4pm Tuesday: Main feed from Global Crossing is back online, as is St. George and Judiths Fancy. Blue will be on limited bandwidth until tomorr...
Lightning damage at: Blue Mtn Judiths Fancy Cotton Valley Sandy Point and this morning....St. George Hill We are working as fast as pos...
We use Innovative with a wireless router. That gives all the tenants internet. As far as TV is concerned you only have two choices. Innovative or...
Satellite 119 stayed up thru last nights rain. We're now getting some HD channels on 119! Up to almost 50 HD channels, not including PPV and Video...
a shout out to Sky's The Limit: gonna be watching in HD at home via Dish Network on ABC out of Chicago. Its working Great!
Neil, I gotta agree with Sean re: you have had bad luck at Eats. Had a perfect burger yesterday...eggs benedict with truffle hollandaise last time.....
actually a 5.8 according to usgs, centered on the NW corner of PR
nope, Fox News was on 205 like it always is....this morning I'm really enjoying Morning Joe on MSNBC - channel 209
I don't use any Innovative products/services, but I'm happy to report their multi-million $ King Air is working again, flying their employees between ...
AT&T launched their Femtocell device nationwide. It plugs into your high-speed Internet at home (Broadband VI of course 🙂 and allows you to use you...
a)no expert at all, looks like a satellite so I just assumed, never bother to ask so that's what I get. b) I don't think you can go wrong with any ...
The most common internet providers are innovative (dsl), choice & broadband (satellite). I've used two of the three and would kill for stateside int...
Actually, its SunFone who is offering VoIP service with local phone numbers for $25/month. 340-715-7600
What is your name? Who did you email? You can always call 719-2943 for help...or Private Message me and I'll let you know if we received your sig...
For TV, dish network blows away Innovative. Channel selection, HD, picture quality, recovery after a storm, all favor Dish Network. This message bo...
Tim: Former cable guy. Innovative is run to maximize the government subsidies it receives. As a rural telephone company they receive subsid...
all of my friends use Dr. Hess and Island Animal Clinic, 718-3106
Beeski is still experiencing shock & awe at getting a Certificate of Existence and revised Biz License in under 3 hours yesterday. That
Dish Network is the best option. Its not even close.
1) As for BBVI going out of business I would be very surprised if this is the case...maybe beeski can comment on this! 2) Anyway, I doubt BBVI...
I don't think works where I live btw. I just went out on a survey and can't see their SSID using netstumbler even from the highest point ...
Broadband VI charges a $100 move fee for existing customers moving to a different house, not the $199 install fee for a new customer.
How Caribbean, I love it, and everyone needs a home!8-) Is there actually a Wyndham STX site? Haven't heard anything in a while. I haven't ...
Both BroadbandVI and Choice offer short term service. With BroadbandVI if you can see one of their tower sites on your WiFi setup you can sign on for...
Didn't know that. Does this mean you've run fiber lines from the west end to each of the towers (or from the west end to a distribution point where t...