Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
There are Terns, I believe Least Terns, nesting on the sand bar off of Pull Point: I was going to hang out on the sand bar....but they were ther...
Generator at Bordeaux tower STJ has run out of fuel.....someone stole/siphoned is on the way but radio stations / Broadband VI are imp...
and Paul Golden and Golden Gaming and the Annaly resort and the Gallows Bay yacht marina and the Salt River / Judiths Fancy hotel and the 12-1...
I watched it this weekend (from my Dish DVR). Definitely worth watching. The program gave some interesting perspectives, trying to get inside Hami...
Their DVR is still brain dead. The only people who like Dish DVR are people who have never used a smart DVR like Tivo. . I had a Tivo with Innova...
Sorry, but this is the reason I stick with Innovative. Who wants to buy a pig in a poke? Sky, I understand you have a financial interest, but you co...
Good one.....I fell for it.....and I drove by the east end of the bypass this morning :S
5153(2) - WKAQ [MPEG4 HD] added to EchoStar14 119W TP 05 Spotbeam B22 (Mkt:San Juan, PR-San Juan, PR-TEL) (NA) 5154(4) - WAPA [MPEG4 HD] added to Ec...
was this around 6pm, while the sun was still setting? saw an incredible meteorite heading east about a week was unforgettable
Thanks for the suggestions...The plants are all from Florida so I'm not worried about their survival. we are not in Florida more sun more sal...
looks like there's a sunk sailboat in c'sted harbor...don't know if its new or not. there's also some idiot anchoring his sailboat right where the s...
plants that are "bahn here" tend to do better than imports, since they come from parents that are acclimated to the salt, dry, windy environment
Kevin with Clearwater knows all about Cistern coatings 772-3881 643-7903
I believe PC Paradise is an Apple retailer/repair shop.
I'm not sure I'm interpreting these rating correctly, but isn't CC = high default risk?
That is correct.....apparently a pissing match between Sobongo and Dish. I called Sobongo and turned on the NY/San Fran SD network channels 241-248 ...
I would recommend going down to Jet Center or Alliance Aviation or Ace Flight Center and see if they can tune their radio to TIST Tower, 118.8, and al...
STT / TIST is an FAA tower/airport, so we use standard ATC lingo. Same for STX / TISX and all Puerto Rican airports.
I believe Joel Holt is the Contessa's attorney, you could start there. Google is your friend for getting Joel's number.
VP Biden arrived today.....closed airspace.....forced Seaplane to turn around.....with much needed spare parts for my peeps on board....sux.
Nelthropp & Low in C'sted, Pan Am Pavillion
I don't care if you like O'Reilly or not...he has the highest rated cable news a mile......and that is an amazing plug for the Buc.....a ...
Alan(sky) at Paradise Satellite's number is 718-2488
Ditto for Morning Joe. Real discussion of real issues....not the glorified E! News of the other morning programs. SCUBA does a ton a work promotin...