Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
Alan Stanford's saga in pictures: They left out before and after pics of the Kaiser Estate on Recovery Hill.....4 beautiful homes, tennis courts...
it was not open tonight.....I asked around....heard it is closed....hope its not true.
on St. Croix, the Animal Shelter Flea Market in Estate Richmond would appreciate the donation. they are located on the little side street, just past...
alas, it went to subscription land. Let's try the Washington Post version: ahhhh....the good old days of multiple private jets on the Rohlsen ...
the "we did nothing wrong" defense as the late, great Robert Palmer said "she's so fine, there's no telling where the money went"
I'll second MPH Auto. Call Mike at 513-7427
There are 3 resort / casinos for STX that are already approved and ready to go. None of the projects can raise the needed hundreds of millions neede...
The Governor and Delegate need to go to Washington and beg the Obama adminstration to have the $700mil EPA consent decree lifted/voided or given 10 ye...
Again. My sources have stated CITGO is purchasing the refinery. PDVSA sells their end to their US Arm- Citgo. Hess sells their end to CITGO. HOVE...
Tutto Bene's personal pizza's needs to be in this conversation
There are 8 million kittens in Cotton Valley and Solitude due to feeding at the Dumpster / Mailboxes. They need to be caught and spay/neutered, or e...
called them yesterday to see if they had any galvanized wire mesh to repair the cat pens at the STX Animal Shelter. got placed on hold......for 5 mi...
Heard it was a family medical issue. Thoughts and prayers to Sam and his family.
That's becuase the VI DOE has no clue how to use a computer.......that's what happens when you give those kinds of jobs to family members rather than ...
Anyone care to way in? Well I'm sure they teach proper grammar so a student uses way or weigh correctly. 😉 ps. I miss-spelled Grammar 😮
I just received this email from VISF: ELLEN NETTLES MEMORIAL SERVICE & POT LUCK PARTY at Ridge to Reef Farm Saturday, December 17th, ...
Broadband VI is a broadband internet service provider on St Croix, not a Roku channel. Broadband VI is also on St Thomas, St John, Water Island, ...
speaking of Hermit crabs changing shells.....check out this one:
Prosser investigation by USAG has been released, a copy of the move to end any further investigation by USAG can be found at STT District Court. ...
The Little Lagrange repeater was fixed two days ago. We had great difficulty getting to it.....but it is now fixed. We are looking to re-locate it...
Broadband VI's West End of STX is 100% up and running. Have you called BBVI at 719-2943 ?
I fly Diamond DA-40's from Bohlke. Fly over to TIST once a week. Practicing for my IFR....challenging!
Probably much better than any other type of aircraft! A couple of points. The airspeed is slower than most. This aircraft has a ballistic parachute, w...
We have a Linsys router at one end of the house that is whatever BBVI installed in January 2010. We now need that signal to be able to be picked up (...