Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
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Speaking of Animals in Louisville on Saturday May 5th, are you and Ric going to the Derby today? I know two couples from STX who are there...the lad...
But that refinery near Philly: a) can probably use natural gas to power / refine the oil b) doesn't have a $700 EPA "consent decree" (fine) attach...
I've never had an issue with ATT cell service, even in the East End. Sprint does not have a tower on the East End of STX, you must roam on AT&T's...
Where do the people who call you, and who you call, live? States = AT&T or Sprint (not for East End) USVI = any Down Island = Innovative or Choi...
my wife and I and friends supported the Roseway fundraiser at the Dock this past January, and the fundraisers the previous years at Ha'Penny and the Y...
There are no Target stores in Puerto Rico, so I would not look for one in the VI anytime this decade/century. I heard a rumor about the STX Home Dep...
The Feral Cat colonies are great if they incorporate: - TRAP - Spay/Neuter - Release (the healthy ones, euthanize the sick ones) - and then fe...
Yes, they left just after St. Patrick's Day
a friend of mine has a beautiful 1965 V-8 automatic Mustang that he restored and is selling for $15k 340-690-8120 is his number (since this is a c...
My red-footed tortises are traumatized by the eagle's meal 😮 Good Stuff Sky....thanks.
I know the one of Frederiksted went for $17,500. I dont remember what the other two went for. the other two were in the $1200-$2500 range....sorry I...
Please tell them you would prefer Option A - No Change......I did....if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
just an FYI, Sprint doesn't have any towers on the East End of STX, so if you are east of Coakley Bay, you are roaming on AT&T's tower. make sure ro...
Never under-estimate how little the Federal Government cares about the USVI.
Jim Dandy, that used to be the case, but we've never had 2.4Ghz on STT/STJ....and we're phasing it out on STX. What used to be the case? Tha...
The best and easiest way to determine if you can get service from BBVI is to use a WiFi scanning application on your smart phone or other mobile devic...
I am kinda place-shopping, want to make sure whatever it is - would have access to BBVI. Where on the peninsula is the AP? I don't think most of the...
Beeski, Somewhat on topic - has there been any change in availability of BBVI on the STT north side (like in Mahogani run etc, that is facing nor...
What we need now is a BIG BOX Stateside grocery store next door to the Home Depot. We are getting shafted by the grocery stores that operate here now...
Beeski, Somewhat on topic - has there been any change in availability of BBVI on the STT north side (like in Mahogani run etc, that is facing nor...
upgrades are in progress for the tower you both connect to (Princess, STX)
Residential 1.5Mbps service from Broadband VI is $99.95/month Major increase in speed is "soon come"
The Internet is your friend:
SydSol, sadly every beach in the VI has trash wash up on it. When I lived in Judiths Fancy, I used to clean it myself....filling up plastic trash ba...