Honorable Member
Joined: August 17, 2008 6:38 pm
Last seen: October 2, 2021 6:33 am
Topics: 9 / Replies: 635
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

My download speed is still crazy-fast. I want THAT! Bernie that's what we are working towards Bernie....we want it for you too. excit...

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

Appearently not as I am only getting 0.4mbps download and 0.31mbps upload while paying $99.95 for the BBVI service. Usually the speed is good but no...

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

Speed test shows mine around 10 mbps, however I still can't stream a low-quality 1:00 youtube video without it stopping to load every few seconds. (td...

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

I'm very happy with Broadband VI. They are very responsive when I have an occasional problem. I was surprised to clock such fast download speed t...

12 years ago
Re: Bypass stx

It would be very nice to have it open before the J Benton crew starts digging up King Street on Thursday.

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

Beeski, what is the paid for speed on the $99 service?

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

$99/month. So?? Don, have you called or emailed support? I don't know who you are behind an anonymous Internet message board name

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI slow lately?

Cotton Valley STX. $49.95 'Residential Broadband'. Yeah, it's been atrocious lately. I suspect the fiddling about in C'sted has a lot to do wit...

12 years ago
Re: Anna's Hope Affordable Housing

If this was STT and not STX, all of those projects would be full speed ahead. Just thank the government who patronize STT and all the environmental d...

12 years ago
Re: herballife distributer?

Tiffany D is a distributor on STX. Her number is 813-528-6871

12 years ago
Re: Darryl the Fraudster is Back

I got me one of those rubber checks :X

12 years ago
Re: BIG Yacht STX

Hopefully you are putting it at your office instead of your house. VHF reception depends on having the antenna at a high elevation. I've been on ...

12 years ago
Re: STT-STJ Midwife/Doula

sort of related, we just had a wonderful birth experience at JFL on STX. Plan A was "all natural" Plan B was epidural Plan C was

12 years ago
Re: Shooting Last Night

the ak47's they can not practice in the open. is there a place on STX to by ammo? have never seen it at kmart and can you buy legal guns here? ...

12 years ago
Re: Innovative should be renamed Antiquated.

Lucky you who live in areas where you can get cell service. I'm completely dependent on innovative. I have no choice but them for DSL and phone servic...

12 years ago
Re: Shooting Last Night

So glad Roto and his much better half are ok. More details in the Daily News story:

12 years ago
Re: STX love it or leave it.

The new project that is laying the fiber optic cable between STX and STT has hired the best man for the job to be the head engineer. The company asked...

12 years ago
Re: STX love it or leave it.

Old are wrong. Innovative has laid off employees in Marketing, Accounting, Call Center and other areas and replaced them with Continental...

12 years ago
Re: Innovative should be renamed Antiquated.

They are still installing new cable around the island. Isn't it great how CFC/RTFC, the Washington DC bank that lent Prosser $600mil and now owns...

12 years ago
Re: Jill's in Chicago?

are you talking about cafe fresco, oh how i love that place. please tell me its not her. Jill and JJ are in Chicago...but Cafe Fresco lives on un...

12 years ago
Re: Why?

So what you're saying is that you have no problems with reception of the network feeds streaming from PR? I'm a complete dummy where all the technica...

12 years ago
Re: Why?

When I used to get the networks on DISH through All-American Direct there was no problem at all; but now this streaming through PR is horrible. I DVR...

12 years ago
Re: Another LEAC Increase Coming

I have a 100 kw deisel generator at my business. In a very short while, I will begin to use it to power my business. I will also sell power to my tena...

12 years ago
Re: c-sted bypass

I think this bypass will be great for town. Less traffic, should give people in town more options and be able to clean it up a lot. It's already getti...

12 years ago
Re: Big news for Dish customers!!!!!

Hey Alan, What channel is Fox in HD on? I'm not Alan...but its channel 24

12 years ago
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