If you would like to talk on the phone, I can certainly give some advice. I moved to STJ 11 years ago with 3 cats and all has worked out well, but the...
Well, I speak from experience and it is more than a legal term to me. To call it anything else is to dimish the relationship and call it something les...
And it should be called marriage, just like eevryone else.
Check out earthboxes, a very good solution for a garden here.
I used Earthboxes last year and they were awesome. Low water usage, high yield. They have systems for netting as well. I grew tomatoes, peppers, beans...
How can anyone possibly force us to shop local by restricting shipping? Something else must be going on. If this is happening we have a lot more to be...
I received an order from Walmart tpday...pet food. large bags, .97 cents shipping, not an issue.
I cannot get either Choice or Broadband on STJ. Have Innovative, work from home and need internet, and have NO issues...as far as I am concerned the s...
call Dwight 643-4126 or 998-4357
I think it is a great idea! Not sure what a 'proper' home is. Anyone that has access to MLS, there was a three container home for sale on STJ a while ...
I have always wanted to go, but seem to miss it. I am hoping I can make it next year. Coming from STJ takes some planning. Anyone want to join me?
My last CVS order was shipped march 3rd. It arrived this past Saturday. Two calls to CVS about the order and was basically told it takes longer to shi...
Here is a list that was posted a while back: * J Crew www.jcrew.com * Nordstrom www.nordstrom.com * Beach Bliss www.beachbliss.com * Potter...
Here is a list that was on here a while ago. * J Crew www.jcrew.com * Nordstrom www.nordstrom.com * Beach Bliss www.beachbliss.com * Potter...
Unless you have a yard, I have had great luck with Earthboxes and I can grow just about everything. Our winter is the best time to grow.
I ordered some rugs from Walmart and it took about 6 weeks for them to arrive. I just placed an order with JC Penney and it came in about 3 weeks. I t...
Jason @ Computer Express is the only person I trust for both business and personal. 693-2660 He has an office in Red Hook and on STJ.
Thanks Juanita! I voted and will do so each day. Hope everyone gets on board!
Donald Pomeranz was highly recommended to me and he has a good oral surgeon he recommends. His number is 775-1826
Hey! Choice is crap, so I would not recommend them. I have AT&T and it is generally good and gets the best coverage here. Sprint can be very iffy in a...
And for STJ and STT...AT&T has not worked since this morning's power outage.
AT&T and Sprint are both back on STJ.
Hi LitoVI, Still no AT&T. I have heard it is very spotty in Cruz Bay. I was on Maria Bluff yesterday and managed to get a signal long enough to retri...
I understand that utilities go out, but I am surprised that AT&T did not have a plan. WAPA has a plan, Innovative has a plan, but AT&T and Sprint not ...
I understand that there are going to be problems after a storm, but I am kind of shocked that a company as large as AT&T did not have a plan of action...