Honorable Member
Joined: June 20, 2007 5:01 pm
Last seen: January 10, 2023 10:48 am
Topics: 56 / Replies: 467
Re: BBVI outage?

Back on for me as well. Based on the people reporting here, it looked like it was centered around the Princesse tower. But I'm only speculating....

10 years ago
Re: BBVI outage?

Off for me as well at 7:15 am, Estate St. John. I can't even connect to their website via my cellphone.

10 years ago
Re: triathlon

While I expected the smaller field of competitors (as I knew about the elimination of the Kona qualification slots), I was really disappointed by the ...

10 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1462
Re: WAPA out on STX?

We just got power in Estate St John at St C Condos. Bernie

10 years ago
Re: Chef Digby Stridiron's new restaurant on STX - Balter

I thought he was opening up downtown where Zenny's used to be. But I heard that about six months ago and haven't noticed any work going on there. He's...

10 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Other restaurants have been opening while older, established places like Tutto and Galleon are closing. This is pretty normal. Recently, we enjoyed an...

10 years ago
Re: Red Right Retur

If you're referring to the new bar and restaurant at Bryan's Marine on Hospital Street, as of last week, only the bar portion was open. They were sti...

10 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

In my opinion, the owners of Tutto Bene gave up on the restaurant a few years ago. The menu hasn't changed much over that time and certainly didn't ex...

10 years ago
Re: Coquito Question

I don't year, we had coquito at a beach bar on STX in January and they weren't refrigerated. I'm guessing they were there for two months, ...

10 years ago
Re: Internet Speed

We use Broadband VI and pay for the upgraded service (the Plus level, at $100/mo). They state you'll get 5 down, but we routinely get 9-14 down and 2...

10 years ago
Re: Real Estate Agents?

I'd highly recommend Chris and Christie Powers at Calabash. I've known them for years, and they're top-notch realtors and people. Bernie

10 years ago
Re: New Restaurant STX - Anyone Been There?

My wife and I went there yesterday for a snack and a drink. We loved how they've rebuilt the bar area--much better use of the space, and the new furn...

10 years ago
Re: Where to find Shrimp Mofongo - St. Croix ??

Try El Flamboyant. We've had their mofongo and it's great. If I recall, they offered at least four varieties, including shrimp. Bernie

10 years ago
Re: Local fare stx

Harvey's is awesome. Get the conch in butter. And the kallaloo! Bernie

10 years ago
Re: Local fare stx

the place that has tim duncan painted on the building-people say that is good That's Harvey's, and indeed, it is really good Crucian fare. B...

10 years ago
Re: buying a condo vs home

Having a buyer do something nice with Hibiscus certainly would be a plus. I'd love to see someone who's well capitalized buy that and turn it into an...

11 years ago
Re: buying a condo vs home

This is definitely one good route to take. My wife and I rented in three different condos for three straight winters to make sure it was something we...

11 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1046
Re: PO / mail box service

It's at Sunny Isle, right across the street from the mall, behind a gas station in a short retail strip. We used it for several years when we spe...

11 years ago
Re: move to St. Croix

The Reef is a nice community, and offers really nice views of Buck Island. But I agree with Terry--it's far (relatively speaking) from shopping and o...

11 years ago
Re: Tsunami Warning

At St C Condos . . . heard nothing, and I knew it was coming, so I listened for it! Bernie

11 years ago
Re: Cricket on STX

I saw a bunch of guys playing cricket last Sunday afternoon at Schjang field, by Judith's Fancy. I don't know anything else about them, but it appear...

11 years ago
Re: move to St. Croix

hello. wife and i moved here 3/1. we had previously visited for 3 days to secure a rental. not sure i would recommend st c or many other places ofte...

11 years ago
Re: move to St. Croix

Check with Chris Powers at Calabash Reality. Much more reputable Agree with Terry. And add St. C to your list for consideration. Also gated, ...

11 years ago
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